#1. Your First Date...

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Cam: Vintage bikes, and ice cream. When he arrived at your door, instead of a car you found two vintage bicycles, one red and one blue, it made the cutest transportation to get soft ice cream together.

Nash: Watch an outdoor movie. He wanted to show you his creative side when you told him about your love of movies. He rolled out a blanket on the ground, and cuddled you under the stars. Nash spent more time secretly glancing at you, than he did watching the movie.

Matt: Walk on the beach. Hand in hand, you talked about the deepest subjects, and laughed about the simplest things. Matt didn't forget to pick you up bridal style in the sunset light, and he gave you a gentle kiss while he held you securely in his arms.

Shawn: Ice skating. You danced around on your blades to the cute music that was playing. He held your hand so you wouldn't fall, but when he got lost in your eyes, he fell himself. Shawn "accidentally" pulled you down too, so you lied on top of him.

"You're a really good hockey skater, huh?" You questioned.

"I fell on purpose. It's a Canadian trick." Shawn smiled.

You tried to ask him what he was talking about, but you realized on your own, when he connected his lips with yours.

Jack J: Sitting by the fireplace, cuddling. After turning the TV off, you sleepily sat yourself in front of the fire. Johnson followed, placed an arm around your waist, and pulled a blanket around you both. He smiled into the calming flames as you drifted off to sleep with your head comfortably cradled into his neck.

Jack G: An intimate dinner. You started the night by being picked up in a black sports car. When you arrived at the restaurant, Gilinsky smiled wide because he knew that you were his. He ordered spaghetti and you laughed when he offered a piece to you, causing a "Lady and The Tramp" situation.

Hayes: Playing catch with his football in the park. The afternoon light rested against the trees, and caused long shadows. His blue eyes blazed impossibly brighter with the sun. Once Hayes taught you how to throw properly, he wrapped his arms around you, and you fell on the soft grass together. When you asked what Hayes was doing, he responded with, "thought I'd show you how to tackle." He smiled as he kissed you, and for the first time, Hayes completely forgot about football.

Aaron: A trip to the lake. You sat in a row boat in the middle of the water and talked for hours. You wrote down some things in your notebook, you love to write songs, and this was the perfect opportunity. Turns out, you had a lot in common, and you fell in love almost instantly.

Taylor: A carnival. Your night was completed with lights, a stuffed bear, and a kiss on top of the ferris wheel. He didn't forget a single detail that magical night.

Carter: Partying. You went to a night club. You were both be dressed to the nines, and Carter held you tightly. You danced the night away under the lights, and neither of you could help but to think about the created perfection that you two made together.

Jacob: A walk down a wooded trail in autumn. He held your hand and you heard nothing but silence, (apart from your leaf crunching footsteps), and the sweet sound of Jacob talking to you against the crisp, fall air.


A/N - Hey everyone! So, I want to one day be an author, and I thought that I might get some practise on here! I'm going to try and do a preference a day:) If you have any ideas for preferences, let me know! I love you all already. xo

Let me know which is your favourite! - M.B

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