#5. What He Gets You For Your Birthday...

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Cam: Two spa get away tickets for you and your best friend.

Nash: A camera because he knows your secret love for photography.

Matt: A puppy. It's the cutest thing ever.

Shawn: A guitar pick neclace engraved with "You'll Never Be Alone".

Jack J: A scrapbook with pictures, quotes, and letters that you have shared together.

Jack G: A bracelette with a "JG" heart attached to it.

Hayes: A plane ticket. You think it's so you can go see him on tour, but it's actually for him so he can come back to you in the blink of an eye.

Aaron: Tickets to your favourite band's concert (he doesn't forget the backstage passes).

Taylor: He gets you a silver Lambo to match his.

Carter: A shopping spree for the two of you.

Jacob: A song. He sings it to you in an empty ampatheater before his tour kicks off the next morning.

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A/N: Okay, I really really want Shawn's! And I laughed at Taylor's, cause he would for sure do that haha!

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