#4.4 How He Says "I Love You" For The First Time...

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Shawn Mendes:

You were having the worst day possible, it was one of those times when you were literally incapable of doing anything.

To top everything off, as you were walking down the hallway, your ex best friend and the girls around her coughed, "slut" at you.

It seemed like you got bullied a lot. So what if you had a YouTube channel? It made you happy, so why should they discourage it?

"If only they knew..." You mumbled under your breath.

No one knew that you were best friends with Shawn Mendes. He had noticed you on YouTube, and gave you his number. You had grown quite close with him, and were counting down the days to summer, since you would see him more then.

Why tell the people at school? They didn't like you, and they would only use you to get to Shawn.

You were texting Shawn about your day, and he felt terrible that he was hours away from you.

Later that day, the same girls walked by you in the middle of the cafeteria, this time accompanied by a few boys.

"Why do you even go here (y/n)? You're nothing to anyone in this school. Why don't you just leave?" Your ex best friend said in a hateful tone, everyone had eyes on you. Your tears threatened to fall, then you heard a heavenly voice over your shoulder.

"Hey babe. You ready? The helicopter is here."

You turned around with a massive smile. Hundreds of jaws dropped at the same time.

Though you were freaking out inside, you kept calm as if it were a completely normal thing.

His brown eyes sparkled when you looked up into them.

He winked, as he took your hand.

Everything faded away as he said "I love you" for the first time, and kissed you.

Then, without a word and only smiles, you left every student in silence. Shawn took your hand and led you outside to the helicopter, and you never looked back.

Shawn took you away from internal defeat to a place where none of them would ever be lucky enough to see, with a boy none of them would ever be lucky enough to know.

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- MB xo

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