You Raise Me Up . CD

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You had a crush on this boy named Cam all through high school.

It's crazy to think that while you were a freshman, and he was a sophomore, you would talk non stop to each other. He took away your insecurities, he gave you the confidence to do things you never thought were even possible. Most called him Cameron, but you always called him Cam.

Somewhere along the way, you stopped talking. Just like that. You never knew what happened, and you didn't think that Cam knew either. Sometimes things just happen.

One day you saw him pull up in his nice black car in the school parking lot, revving the engine as always, and something about it made you freeze because you remembered that a few months from now, he would graduate, and you would probably never see Cam again.

Your feelings never ended just because the conversations did. In the hallways he would look at you with those irresistible brown eyes, and if you were lucky, you could catch him smiling at you. Feelings don't just go away, they will always hold on to some part of you, and in Cam's case, his memory held on to every piece of you that was possible to love.

You entered the cafeteria on a typical Tuesday in May, thinking about having a month left to have Cam in the same place as you. You looked around for him as you normally did, but didn't see him so you went to walk through the cafeteria to your friends table.

That's when everything stopped.

Music started playing. The slow cheesy, saxophone kind. You looked behind you and Cam stood there, looking nervous, and cute. He had a rose in his hand, that was shaking a little.

It took him a long time to get out, but you didn't notice because time always seemed to stop when you were around him.

"Will you please go to prom with me?"

You were in shock, surely you were dreaming. You had to be. So you answered the way you had in all of your dreams since freshman year.

"Yes Cam." You nodded as tears filled your eyes. You gently took the rose from him, and the cafeteria cheered.

You placed your arms around his neck, and when he went to lift you up, you wrapped your legs around his middle, and you both tucked your heads into each other.

Turns out, it wasn't a dream. You went to Cam's senior prom and had the second best night of your entire life.

The best night of your life was your wedding night. When you married your high school sweetheart, Cameron Dallas.


I personally really liked this one. What are your thoughts?:)

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