Holding Out for a Hero 5

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As you walked back into the dance together, they were about to call for homecoming Queen and King. You knew that Hayes was obviously getting King, and you prayed that Nikki wouldn't get Queen.

"Ladies first..." The announcer said. "Our Queen, is (y/n)!"

Surprised, you looked at Hayes. He hugged you before you made your way to the stage, where they gave you a sparkly crown.

"And our King is none other than..."

Hayes. You thought to yourself.

"Joey Spicer!"

Your mouth dropped and you smiled. This really was perfect. Hayes was already yours, and you knew it was going to mean the world to Joey. The look on his face proved that.

After you got down off of the stage, and had given Joey a kiss on the cheek, you made your way back to Hayes.

"So where were we?" Hayes smirked, taking your hand.

There were about 5 minutes left of the dance, but as long as you were with Hayes, and he was safe, you didn't care much.

"Too bad that first song isn't still playing, it's been a favourite of mine for a while." (Read AN at the end).

"I think I can arrange that." Hayes smiled, whispering something to Grayson, he nodded.

The song began again and Hayes held you tightly in the middle of the dance floor, spinning you around slowly.

"I'm going to miss this song." You smiled up at him.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"I've found my hero." You smiled widely, tears of happiness forming in your eyes.

With these words, and no more interruptions, Hayes leaned down and kissed you softly, and slowly beneath the twinkling lights.

That's when you found yourself praying to never wake up.

AN: if you wanna make this 10 times better then listen to the song at the top. It'll be worth it, I promise.

I hope you loved it ♥ comment your thoughts, let me know what you thought, and who you want next:) xo

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