Holding Out for a Hero 1 . HG

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The big homecoming game and dance were coming up. That meant dresses, tuxes, and football.

No one had asked you to homecoming yet, but you were excited nonetheless. You loved everything from the banners, to the school spirit. You didn't need a boy to enjoy it, but you wouldn't object to someone asking you, more precisely, a football boy, even more specifically the quarterback... namely Hayes Grier.

You'd had a crush on this boy for a really long time, but you didn't want to get your hopes up. You were convinced that he was going to ask Nikki, the most popular girl at school. You never really liked her much, as you thought she had an awful personality. Okay, you didn't just think it, she wasn't nice to anyone, about anything. Except for Hayes. It was hard for her actions around him to go unnoticed, the way she flirted was disgusting. Every time she did something around him, you would cringe, and pray that Hayes wouldn't fall for it, and that maybe one day you could show him how he deserves to be treated.

One day, a week away from homecoming, you were about to do something either stupid, or amazing. You didn't know which, but Hayes was worth it. You couldn't go through homecoming knowing what you may have had, so that's why you were going to woman up, and ask him.

This took a lot of thought, and more courage than you had, but after a literal push from your best friend and listening to 'Holding Out for a Hero' a million times, you stood up and began your way to the middle of the cafeteria where his lunch table was. Your plan was to ask him if he wanted to take a walk with you, and somehow go from there.

You could hear your heart beating as you faced Hayes' back. He was sitting down, and as his friends nodded at you, he turned around and looked up to your face. Your knees felt weak as his blue eyes looked into yours.

You gulped, and said probably too quickly and nerved to be audible. "I wanna ask you something." That's not what I was going to say! You thought to yourself, mentally panicking.

"Yeah of course." Hayes smiled up at you, standing up from his table.

His voice. His smile. His freaking eyes. What had you gotten yourself into?

You started to walk to the gym, not sure where else to go.

Of course you would pick the one place all of the cheerleaders were, Nikki included.

You stopped and looked up at Hayes. He was smirking, not taking his eyes off of you.

"Hayes," you took a breath, "I really like you, and it would mean the world if you would say yes to going to homecoming with me."

It took him a second and he smiled at you, "man, I never expected to be asked. I thought I'd have to pop the question to someone. But, the words sound better coming from your mouth."

You smiled nervously, "so..."


"Hey babe!" Nikki said from behind you, acknowledging Hayes, but ignoring you. "You just can't stay away from the cheerleader can you?"

"Oh my gahh..." You heard Hayes say beneath his breath.

She stepped up and looked you up and down, "what are you doing?"

"Well I-"

"Can you leave already? If you haven't noticed, you're not up to our standards." She glared at you coldly.

"Nik-" Hayes started.

"Hayes is with his girl right now." She spat at you.

Hayes cut in as tears began to sting your eyes. "Hayes IS with his girl right now. Trust me, he knows that."

"Good." Nikki said.

"You aren't the girl though, Nikki." Hayes said sternly.

After a moment of her shock. She walked away in a huff.

"Hayes, you didn't have to do that." You told him.

"I've had too much of her."

Coming to realization, you smiled at him. "Wait, you just called me your girl."

Hayes turned a bright red, and fake coughed in a poor attempt to brush the moment off. "Well, yeah. I mean, we are going to home coming together, so-"

"So it's a yes?"

"It's been a yes for a long time." Hayes smiled at you. He leaned in for a kiss. You were almost there, and then the bell rang interrupting everything.

"So I'll call you..." Hayes blushed as he put your number in his phone.

"Yeah." You smiled.

"Yeah." Hayes smiled back. He started backing away, and into another boy in your grade, Joey, a cute dorky boy holding his books and looked surprised as Hayes patted him on the back, apologizing.

Hayes waved cutely at you as he tried to salvage what was left of a smooth goodbye.

You giggled to yourself.

"Are you really going to homecoming with Hayes Grier?" Joey asked shyly.

"Yeah." You smiled looking at the door Hayes had walked out from. "I guess I am."


Hey:) this is a 5 part imagine, I promise it'll be good:) leave some comments! xo

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