#4.2 How He Says "I Love You" For The First Time...

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Nash Grier:

Nash invited you over to help him babysit Sky for the night. You knew that you were going to be alone with them both the whole time, but you and Nash were good friends, so it wasn't a big deal.

You knocked on the door and it abruptly opened. You saw a messy haired Nash, and an adorable Sky, sitting on his shoulders, playing with his hair.

"Hey." Nash blushed a little, and smiled. "Come on, I think you'll be better at playing horsies than me."

He took your hand, and led you up to his little sisters room. He set Sky down, and she was overjoyed that you were there.

After hours of the three of you playing with Sky's toys, Nash started getting really tired, so he got up, and lied down on his back, in the middle of her pink bed.

"I think it's time that you join your brother!" You said a few minutes later. You picked her up while she giggled, and laid her next to a sound asleep Nash, on his left side.

"You too." She wouldn't let go of you.

"Sky, I have to go home." It was getting quite dark at this point.

"No, you don't!" She dramatically sighed, took your hand, and got out of bed. She led you over to Nash's other side.

Nash smiled faintly, still asleep, when Sky more than insisted that you cuddle into him.

"Perfect." She smiled, as she climbed back next to Nash's left side.

You both laid your heads on his chest, so you faced each other. Subconsciously, Nash's arm tightened around you, and pulled you nearer.

"I love you." Nash deeply mumbled.

Sky smiled wide at you through the darkness that filled the close distance between your faces.

"Your brother must really love you if he says it while he's sleeping." You whispered.

"Sista, that wasn't for me!" Sky giggled softly.

Those were the last words you heard before you too, fell asleep.

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