#2. Your Instagram Post After Your First Date...

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Cam: You post a picture of his hand covering yours as you both held onto a handle bar of the red vintage bike.
Caption: Along for the ride. xo

Nash: You post a picture of a silhouette of Nash kissing your hand in front of the movie playing.
Caption: He's better than The Notebook x

Matt: You post a picture of your names written in the sand surrounded by a heart. The sunset glows in the background.
Caption: Those Summer Nights.

Shawn: You post a picture of his old, almost worn out hockey skates next to your delicate, white, figure skates.
Caption: The Canadian's trick worked. xo
or: A description of us. :)

Jack J: He posts a picture that he took after you fell asleep. With the fire behind, he took a photo of his hand on your blanket covered, bent knee.
Caption: I'm glad I waited for you. - J

Jack G: You post a picture of you clinking your wine glasses together. You can only see your hands, and the picture is black and white except for the liquid in the glasses. The red of the wine adds a classy pop of color.
Caption: You're the only color I see. x

Hayes: You post an artsy picture of the sun coming through a tree and highlighting the football that lied in the grass. You set Hayes' gloves, that say "H. Grier" on the back, in front of the ball. You position them so the tips of the index fingers, and thumbs are touching, forming a heart.
Caption: Love my football boy:) xo

Aaron: You post a picture of your legs and bare feet over the edge of the boat. In your lap you have your notebook open to a page where he wrote, "The beginning of forever."
Caption: What he said:)

Taylor: You post a picture of the view from the top of the ferris wheel. Overlooking the backdrop of many lights, your left hand, and his right hand curl together to make a heart.
Caption: So many lights, but only one you.

Carter: You post a picture of you both dancing under a street lamp. Carter convinces you to put it in black and white. This picture was taken right before he dropped you off at your home.
Caption: Don't say a word, just dance with me. x

Jacob: You post a picture of you both walking away down the trail, hand in hand, looking at each other, he's making you laugh in the photo. You leave the picture in color to add to the happy effect of your smiles together.
Caption: Come fly with me. xo

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