It's out!

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"Luke, I can't do this anymore! I'm breaking up with you!" she whispers, her eyes filled with pain. He looks at her uncomprehendingly. "What? Why?" Carlotta looks him in the eye and says, "I know about you and Vera!" Luke shakes his head. "What have I ever done to you? Vera and I are just good friends!" Carlotta laughs spitefully. "Exactly! And that's why you had an onenight stand with her? Denial is pointless!" Even as she says this she jumps up. "I'm going to see my family and so should you!" She grabs her backpack and leaves the room. In the hallway she meets Vera, who grins at her. Carlotta renounces her good upbringing and gives her the middle finger. Vera starts grinning from ear to ear. "Good day to you too, Carly," she says and throws her another kissing hand. Luke, torn by his feelings, is still sitting on the bed trying to clear his head.
When the door slams into the house, he makes his decision and runs after Carlotta. But Vera, still standing in the hallway, gets in his way and puts a hand on his shoulder, upsetting him. He pauses briefly, but the few seconds are enough, because already a car door can be heard slamming and the engine roaring downstairs in front of the door. Luke runs downstairs, but when he opens the front door he only sees a taxi turn the corner at the end of the street and disappear. Vera appears behind him and hugs him.

Luke, who still can't think straight, just lets it happen and leans against her.
At the same time, Carlotta is in the taxi driving out of Cadiz. Once again she turns around and looks back to see if Luke is following the taxi. But he continues to stand in the front doorway with Vera and cannot move. Vera locks the door and leads Luke by the hand back into the bedroom. Just as Vera is about to pull his T-shirt over his head, he says, "Vera, how can you be so stupid?" The latter shrugs her shoulders and wants to continue. But Luke shakes his head and pulls it back down. "I meant you! You think you can just show up here, get me drunk and have sex with me. And then as soon as my girlfriend breaks up with me, you want to get right back in bed with me!" He runs out of the room and packs up his things. Then he kicks Vera out, locks the house and sits in the car. There he bangs his head on the dashboard and shouts out his grief.
Meanwhile, Carlotta is already at the station and buys a ticket. The train pulls into the station and she gets on to get to the next airport, which is also bound for Ireland. As long as she somehow makes it to Dublin, she is happy. She sits in a compartment by the window and watches the train head inland.
At some point she falls asleep and doesn't notice how a girl her age sits down with her. As it starts to get afternoon, she wakes up again to her growling stomach and is startled. The girl pulls her cap off her head, grins at her and holds out a roll. "What are you doing here?", Carlotta asks the brown-haired girl. "Looking for you, of course! You can't think I'm going to let you go on holiday on your own, and you probably won't be able to stand your mother on your own either," Helen says. "Now dig in, you haven't eaten since yesterday morning!" Heartily Carlotta bites into the bun and looks at Helen gratefully. When she has finished eating, she asks Helen, "How long have you been watching me?" The latter shrugs and says she only found her the night before last. "Luke's mum sent me after you because I lived in Spain for a few years and know my way around here. Don't worry, it's all arranged." Helen grins at the thought of Luke and Carlotta's night and fog action. After she has informed her about the latest situation in Germany, Carlotta is supposed to tell her what has happened to her and Luke in the meantime.

"First we were in Italy, then at Mary's in Marseille for one night, where I decided that I had to go to my mum in Ireland. After the night, we took the ferry to Barcelona and then continued by car to Cádiz. We have been there for a fortnight now and then Luke had a party with friends of his family last night, I went home earlier. In the end I caught him in bed with Vera and then I left this morning, but you probably know that."
Helen takes her in her arms and gives her a quick hug. "And while we're on the subject of the real story: I saw you both on a good friend of mine's livestream from my time in Spain and told him to watch you for a bit. Then I followed you guys but left a note for my parents. And I brought you someone else!" she whispers and Carlotta is already getting ready to attack Luke. But when the compartment door opens, it's not Luke standing in front of the door, but her very best friend Johanna. Carlotta immediately jumps up and gives her a big hug. "Finally someone who doesn't talk in Spanish all the time," Johanna greets her. After Johanna has heard everything that happened in between, she asks, playfully annoyed, "And why exactly did you trust Helen with your Snapchat account and not me?" Carlotta rolls her eyes and replies, "Luke's mum would have guessed straight away that I had let you in on it. Helen doesn't know her that well. I'm really sorry, also that I didn't tell you." Johanna smiles and says she's not angry with her. She would have done the same. They sit on the train a little longer, getting upset with Luke and speculating about what he's doing now.
When they arrive at the airport, Johanna asks the two girls: "Where are you going now? I wouldn't dare go home if I were you Carly." Carlotta smiles and says, "I'm not going home, at least not really." Johanna doesn't understand and looks questioningly at Helen. She just points to the three plane tickets in her hand. "Johanna, it's time I met all my family. And they are in Ireland. You, as my two best friends, may accompany me, if you wish of course only!" Johanna's eyes widen in delight. "Actually, I was already mad at Helen for persuading me to go to Spain with her. I could have been in Berlin right now, cruising through the city on a turquoise Vespa! But Ireland is nice for a change." Carlotta looks at Helen and Johanna and they both nod. So they check in and head for the plane that will take them directly to Dublin without a stopover.
Back in Ireland
Once there, the girls are called by Pippa Warren. The strict headmistress is again standing perfectly styled at the baggage claim and waiting. When the girls stop in front of her, she pulls Carlotta, Helen and even Johanna, who is still unknown to her, into her arms. "Come along girls, June can't wait to see you!" In the car park a limousine is waiting for the girls again and the same chauffeur as on their first trip to Ireland, opens the door for Carlotta and the other girls. Friendly, she nods to him and sits down at the window.
A few hours later they drive through the large iron gate that is set into the high wall around the estate. The girls can't help but stare out of the window in amazement. When they stop in front of the large spruce potal, they get out and the Pippa Warren knocks on the portal. Quick footsteps approach the door from inside and a short time later it is pushed open. Three maids take what little luggage the girls have out of the boot and bring it to the rooms, while the landlady takes them to the spacious fireside room.
On the walls hang many portraits, under which there is always a name. The first names are never the same, but the last name is always Kaichonski-Warren. The girls look around in amazement as Pippa disappears briefly and reappears a few minutes later accompanied by her likeness. June enters the room and immediately embraces her daughter. Now that they are standing so close to each other for the first time, the resemblance between the two is very striking. True, June is a few years older, but otherwise she is very much Carlotta's mother, except for the eyes. Helen and Johanna are also greeted by her.

Still wondering, they walk through the room and sit down by the fireplace, where the table is already set for four o'clock tea. Carlotta frowns. There are six cups on the table. "Are you expecting someone else?" she asks her aunt. She exchanges a quick glance with June, who nods slowly. Pippa says slowly, "Your father turned up here the day before yesterday and he wants to meet you too." She lowers her eyes. Carlotta looks alternately at her mother and her aunt. "You're kidding me, right? The guy who left you when I wasn't even the size of a pumpkin wants to meet me?!" The two women nod. They know that Carlotta is reacting a little aggressively to the whole family, including the family history. Helen puts a hand on her arm and whispers, "At least give him a chance. After all, he is your father. And he can't be any worse than your first." She is right on that point and Carlotta nods cautiously. She's not ready to meet her witness yet, but at least he's still alive and could perhaps become her father in the coming weeks and months.
As if he was just waiting to make his entrance, a handsome man in his late thirties enters the room. He has the same piercing green eyes as Carlotta and black half-length hair that he wears in a ponytail. The man is wearing an elegant suit and leather shoes. All three girls swallow the comments, but even so they know what the others are thinking- Holy shit, he's good looking! He approaches the girls and holds out his hand to Carlotta. "It's really you! I am Benedikt Franz Kaminski, your father." Carlotta accepts the hand and squeezes it briefly. Then she backs away from him a little. Her father nods and also shakes hands with the other two girls. Helen and Johanna start giggling quietly and nudge Carlotta. She doesn't know what's happening to her. Her entire blood family is here in one room. For so long she has dreamed of being able to meet her whole family and now that they are all here, it is too much for her and she is afraid of this new life.
Fortunately, her aunt helps her out of the tricky situation and asks her to tea.
There they all sit next to each other now and watch each other quietly and cautiously. At some point Benedikt blurts out: "Carlotta, I know I've never been a father to you, but I want to make up for that now. As soon as you have your first boyfriend and he cheats on you, you can come to me right away and I'll punch him in the face. I want to be able to walk you down the aisle in a few years and be a father to you!" Johanna looks anxiously over at Carlotta, for her hands are already clenching into fists. Soothingly, Helen reaches under the table for her hand to calm her down. "I've already had a boyfriend. And I don't mind punching him myself, as you just put it! I can fight back without a father! By the way, it will be a while before I stand at the altar. And why are you suddenly appearing now?" In the end it is only a soft hiss that comes from her lips. But she manages to stay calm and not jump up. "How dare you talk like that? You of all people should be able to take an example from you!", Benedikt Kaminski hisses back. Helen shakes her head imperceptibly to signal to Carlotta not to go too far. Pippa Warren signals Benedikt not to talk any further.

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