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The next morning, the pupils are woken up by a loud scream. Ms Niebeck only briefly checked to see if the pupils were still asleep and then found Helen and Charlie close together on Helen's bed. Someone had left her a message that two pupils of different sexes were sleeping in the same bed. When she realises that it is the twins, she is on the one hand glad that it is them, but on the other hand shocked.
The two are also startled by Ms Niebeck's scream and look the teacher in the face. "You two, come with me!" she says and points to the main house. Embarrassed, Helen and Charlie follow her, casting cautious glances at each other.

In the teacher's room, the two are asked to sit down. Helen already starts to stammer an apology, but Mrs Niebeck interrupts her. Mr Folks also enters the room and you can see that he is pissed off. Immediately he starts his sermon: "I wouldn't have thought it of you two in particular! I know you needed a little distraction after the shock of climbing yesterday, but not on a school trip and you're brother and sister!" Charlie looks at the floor and Helen kneads her fingers. Mrs Niebeck looks at them both reprovingly and says, "It would probably be better if you went home, unless you promise not to do anything like that again!" Helen shakes her head. She definitely doesn't want to go home and she doesn't want to do it to Charlie either. They had only ever been on a school trip in primary school because they had never been at one school long enough. Charlie doesn't want to either and says meekly, "We're sorry. But after yesterday... It won't happen again." Helen nods in confirmation and continues to look at the floor. She is embarrassed that Mrs Niebeck saw them and tries not to think about what else she could have seen.
"But I don't want to be angry with you either, but I was just following up on a tip I received tonight," Mrs Niebeck says more calmly. Helen and Charlie look at each other. "The clue didn't happen to come from a pupil at the other school, did it?", Helen asks her class teacher.
Mrs Niebeck says, "Yes, it did, from that black-haired girl who sleeps opposite your cottage." Charlie and Helen know immediately that it was Vera. No sooner have they left the teacher's room than they run back and wake the other girls and Luke. Vera waves to them both from her window, grinning maliciously.
They skip breakfast and immediately start a war council. Helen briefly explains the situation and her suspicion that it was Vera who told them off. Charlie, who saw Vera at the window, also suspects her, especially as she is the only black-haired woman from the house opposite. It is also crystal clear to Carlotta that Vera has something to do with it. Luke can't really explain yet what Vera has against Helen and Charlie, but Helen tells him about Vera on Luke's birthday. "You should have told us," says Charlie, who has always stood by Helen. But Carlotta, Elea, Anastasia and Petra stand by Helen, because they also know that Vera is out to get whoever she wants, as long as she sees the others in agony.
Luke nods and says, "I'll take care of Vera, you and the others work out a plan to get back at Vera!" He looks deep into Carlotta's eyes, who considers for a moment, but then nods. Luke knows what he's doing and has known Vera long enough to foil her plans. Petra says, "Okay, we'll talk it over with the others and you go and see Vera." The others nod in confirmation and Luke writes a note to all the students in the class that they will meet at the girls' cottage after dinner.
When everyone has gathered (unbeknownst to the teachers), Luke begins the war session. "You all remember Vera from last term. She caught Charlie and Helen lying next to each other in bed tonight and reported them to Mrs Niebeck. Now we want to work out a revenge plan against Vera and need your help to get back at her."
Since the teachers don't have a dance night planned until the evening, they can work out their plan and put it into action. So Luke distracts Vera while the others plan a trap for her.
As it is getting to be afternoon, Luke signals Helen and Charlie to turn up at the door with their suitcases. He is just outside when Vera accosts him. "Why do they have their suitcases with them?" she asks him. Luke pretends not to suspect anything and says, "Someone saw them both lying in bed together last night. Now they have to go home." Vera almost can't hide her joy, but pretends to be shocked.

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