Stress at the beach

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She has been scurrying around the house for half an hour, collecting all the things that could give away that they were there. She has already lost her bandage during the night and all you can see is a bloody scratch on her forehead. Carlotta has already stowed the things they won't need in the boot of the car so that if they have to leave in a hurry, they won't have to pack the car.
When she goes to check on Luke ten minutes later, he is still lying in bed and hasn't moved a bit. Carlotta pulls the covers off him and says, "Hurry up, we have a breakfast appointment with Mrs Harana in twenty minutes! I've already laid out some clothes for you, so all you have to do is get out of bed and get dressed." She turns to Luke, who has lain down on his side and is snoring softly to himself. Okay, you asked for it! she thinks and gets the water pistol. Within seconds Luke is standing in the bathroom, half undressed, brushing his teeth. Carlotta grins delightedly, because now she knows how to get him out of bed early in the morning without having to worry about her health.
Barely fifteen minutes later, the two of them are in the car and drive to Sabine Harana's little house on the way to the kiosk. As a concussion cannot be ruled out for Carlotta, Luke, who seems much more awake after the attack with the water pistol, drives.
The friendly cashier is already expecting them and waves to them from the kitchen window as they drive slowly towards the house. As soon as they are in front of the house she comes running out and greets them a little stormily.
At the already set breakfast table she looks at the little cut on Carlotta's forehead and says, "You can drive later, but please be careful!" Luke thanks her again and Carlotta also brings a pained smile to her lips. She feels uneasy about Sabine Harana. Luke looks at her confused, otherwise Carlotta is also very shy towards others, but even then she is nice. She only shakes her head slightly, making it clear to him that she can't tell him here. At breakfast, the two of them are supposed to tell her about their further plan and Luke tells her everything they have planned so far. Carlotta rolls her eyes in annoyance. Not even her best friend was allowed to know anything about it, but now he tells this woman Harana of all people. After breakfast they take the car to the beach again and drop the cashier off at the kiosk on the way. When she has got out and Luke has closed the door behind her, he looks at Carlotta urgently questioningly. "What, she's just acting nice! I know that!" All colour drains from Luke's face. "You don't even know her! She's been changing my nappies since I was a toddler and she's good friends with my parents too. I've known her almost all my life, she's nice!" he nags at her. Carlotta hisses back, "You also knew Vera better than me and she turned out to be a very different person than you thought!" They look at each other in silence for a few seconds, then tears form in Carlotta's eyes. Luke pulls her close and takes her in his arms. "What's wrong with you?" he asks her gently. She murmurs, "This is all too much for me. First the fact that I was adopted, then my parents' car accident, then New Year's Eve and the accident with the bus. And as if nothing had happened, we flew back to Ireland and turned our backs on our German life. The legal battle was too much for me and now we're sitting in a stolen car in Italy, wanted by the police, you just tell a woman our plan and... Man, I just can't take it anymore!" Luke squeezes her even harder. When she has slowly calmed down he says, "I understand you, but sometimes you really overreact. But you know: Let go of the things you can't change and concentrate on what you can! And right now, that's a round of swimming in the sea." Carlotta pokes him in the side with a grin. "Since when have you known that quote? I've never used it before!" Luke grins and says, "I can also remember things after seeing them in a movie. Not as extreme as you, but I can remember things."

A short time later, the car is parked on the beach and the two run towards the water in their bathing suits. A few tourists point at the two and whisper a little, but they don't care. As long as no one calls the police and tells on them. The water is quite salty, but pleasantly warm. As soon as they are further into the water, they romp around and forget their current problems for a moment. But only for about three quarters of an hour, because suddenly a police car appears at the top of the beach and two policemen get out. As quickly as possible they swim back to the beach and pack up their things. As the two policemen walk around and ask the tourists something, they walk emphatically nonchalantly back to the car and try to drive out of the car park. But they have not done the math with more policemen who are still in the police car. No sooner are they about to pass the exit than another policeman approaches the car and knocks on the window.
"Buona giornata a tutti*good day everyone. My German isn't the best, but can you please show me Perego*me driver's licence and vehicle registration one time." Luke rummages around in his wallet while sweat runs down Carlotta's forehead. But Luke hands over the driving licence and vehicle registration papers and acts completely calm. The policeman looks at both carefully and then says, "Okay, Oskar Schulze, is this your first time driving abroad?" Luke answers without blushing, "Sí, it is. You know, la mia ragazza*my girlfriend and I are planning to go on a little road trip now that she's eighteen too and can drive too." Carlotta gives him a warning look so that he doesn't overdo it. But it's already too late. The policeman is already asking her for her driving licence and ID card. Luke hands her her wallet and tells her with a look that he has everything under control and that she should trust him. So she rummages around in the wallet for a moment and (without knowing it) pulls out a fake ID and driving licence. Luke hands both to the policeman and briefly squeezes Carlotta's hand reassuringly. The policeman inspects both and then says: "Well then, have fun, both of you. I'll give you a photo of two missing youths from Germany, if you should see them, please call the police. Addio*Aufdersehen!" Luke returns the greeting, takes the papers back and drives out of the car park with a friendly smile.
The road to France
As soon as they are on the main road, the two burst out laughing. "How did you do that? That I look like I did in the picture just now and the policeman doesn't even recognise anything about the name." Luke grins and points to the name. It says Monika Pia Statler. Carlotta, who has been trying to halfway calm down, shakes with silent laughter. She asks him, "Where do you get such stupid ideas?" Luke shrugs. He doesn't know, but when a plan is supposed to work, he really hangs in there and thinks everything through several times. Maybe he's just spent too much time with Elea and Anastasia.

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