Poseidon!Karamatsu and Reader

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A twinge of guilt tugged at his heart, his sea-blue eyes watching on passively as the infant whale mourned its fate. It was well within his reach to send a wave surge and drag the helpless creature back into the safety of the ocean, back to its mother waiting worriedly as she sang for it to return home.

...but it was not his decision to save the newborn. He had lost many children -- young and old -- to this before and he knew he would lose more in the same way; it was no longer his place to interfere.

The mother sang out for the pod to wait, for the child to come back, for something to help her calf.

If the Fates played their strings right, the children of Titans would tend to their cousins.

The pod stayed close; the mother continued to sing.

His eyes partially closed as the sun ventured forth in its set path, Apollo tending to the day.

The fist gripping his trident tightened further as he fully closed his eyes, his heart heavy while a sorrowful frown pulled his lips downward. He should tend to the mother, help her grieve--

A yell for help snapped his attention back towards the shore, his eyes catching the sight of a young woman ripping off her sundress and unfurling her beach towel before shoving them into the crashing waves mere feet from the beached calf. With both items fully laden with seawater, she lifted them as a ball and spread each out over the newborn, waving her arms above her head as she repeated her shout.

Only a few responded to her call after a few crucial moments, the woman frantically kicking and splashing water from the waves to the calf. Two of the humans stood to the side with devices in their hands, useless.

An expression of anger flashed on his face, moving away before the mother nudged his arm with her chin.

"They don't want to help your child," He spoke freely despite being surrounded by water, his long flowing hair trailing behind him as he moved to leave once more.

'That one does,' the mother sang back.

He looked at the pod, each whale echoing her words.

"She is one of billions. One cannot make a difference."

'Do you not hear my child? He will sing of her actions to his children, to his grandchildren, to his great-grandchildren.'

'Please, King,' sang the pod in unison, 'The one is crying for help.'

'The few will bear witness to the one.'

His lips mashed together in an expression of confusion and conflict before his body surged towards the shore, the golden crown resting high on his head freely melding with the gold buckle pinning his long hair back, the jewels merging into one aquamarine gem. The scaled armor spread from his arms and legs to cover his waist and chest, releasing their taut hold and becoming loose as his golden gauntlets and greaves shrank into golden bracelets and anklets. His trident disappeared in a torrent of bubbles, scattering in his underwater wake as he veered away from the beached calf with the intent on surfacing further from the scuffle.

He knew that the humans would panic if they saw him emerge from where they were trying to push the calf.

As he breached the water, his bare footsteps certain, the loosened blue scaled armor finally gave way and melted into an open front shirt bearing the same pattern and a pair of black modern swim trunks. His furious sea-blue gaze swept across the growing gathering of humans and only saw a handful of people attempting to roll the calf from its back towards the sea, one or two others splashing buckets of water on top of the varied cloth articles on top of the creature.

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