Chapter 28 Moving back

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Kaltoom's POV

I've been sleeping like a corpse ever since we returned from Niger.

Faruk came and picked me up immediately we landed even though the salmans wanted to do that, my over possessive brother took me away and the family came behind us to our house.

I appreciate it though cause within this one week I've missed my brother so much I'm used to Khalid's absence but Faruk was always stucked around me ever since I finished boarding school.

Ammi made sure the Salman's had lunch before they left for their home.

My whole family were happy to have me back as if I've been away for ages.

Now back to the present.. the unstoppable vibration of my phone was what bought me back from my train of thoughts.
Amani has been under my skin ever since I came back she won't let me nap.

And when I picked up now she said she was 2 minutes away from our house and I had to drag my feet to the toilet to go shower by the time I came out the little witch was on my bed talking to God knows who...
Which I later learnt was her brother Salman the woman who works Mexico who is hardly ever around I've only set my eyes on him twice this year.

Amani made me fill her in on everything that happened while we were in China and Maradi, I also told her about Raudah and Nidhal and show her pictures we took.

"I'm so jealous they stole my Bff's" Amani complained playfully

"Well only for a day dumbass" I explained and she mouthed a "Right".

We went to Ammis room and met her on the Balcony we disturbed her peace before making it downstairs which smelt so sweet. What has Ammi cooked today?

We walked to the kitchen hand in hand like sick teenagers the dinning was already set up I took a can of Hollandia while Amani took a pack of chilled fruit juice and we walked to the dinning.

Behold my adorable Ammi has made Waina, vegetable and liver sauce along with roasted chicken for dessert it was like a feast was gonna be held there were three varieties of local drinks Local Chapman, Kunun Aya and zobo.

Did I finished talking about dessert cause the was red velvet cake and a few cupcakes and a separate warmer which contained coconut rice .

"Ammi you are the best!" Amani screamed

"And we love you just so you know" I added

We took plates and I took three Wainas and was fetching the liver sauce when Ammi appeared elegantly with her darling husband Abee!

"I set that table up for my husband not for two unproductive fellows" she said In her most sassy tone.

We greeted Abee and continue with our rant about how delicious the meal was and we weren't missing it for the world.

Abee settled the tension and ask everyone to set and eat.
Just what Amani and I were planning cause we dug in almost immediately.
Trust Ammi with cutlery cause this Dishes wasn't a disappointment.

Faruk came and join us shortly.

Amani and I were the first to leave the table after tasting everything displayed we didn't even had the drink we brought to the dinning Aishatu was made to take them back.

~ CONNECTED HEARTS~bykulsumWhere stories live. Discover now