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Elliana never understood why her parents trained her at such a young age with a sword and bow and arrow. Or, why her parents drilled into her twin brother's head that they were to never leave each other and always take care of one another, no matter what. She was just a princess and future Queen of the High Kingdom right? Soon enough, she will learn that she has had a red dot pointed at her heart since before she was even born. Elliana finds the line of good and bad blurred sometimes, but she isn't aware that it is because someone has put a speck of darkness in her heart and it will only show when she turns sixteen years old.

When she finally turns sixteen, Elliana is lured out of her castle and into the woods. Her innocence and desire to step as close to the boundary of good and wicked makes her press forwards. She is unaware that whatever she does is leading her to the one who put the darkness into her heart. The only person she can rely on is a wicked boy, who could either lead her straight to safety, or where she was doomed to end up. Until then, she only knows one word that is certain out of all the blurred thoughts. Run.

Leegan has always protected his twin sister. When he was only ten years old, he overheard his parents talking about an evil man that would come for his sister. Since then, he has trained with the most elite to help protect his best friend/sister. He never thought the day when his sister would disappear would be so soon.

Leegan goes out under the cover of night to save his sister, but every time he gets close, something happens and he gets two steps behind. Soon after tracking Elliana, he discovers another set of footprints with her. He had studied the types of creatures and the discovery of how this creature walked put fear in him when nothing else could. This creature came from decedents of the most wicked and dangerous creature and he was with Elliana. If the man who promised Leegan's mother through dreams that he would steal Elliana away didn't kill or harm his sister, the wicked creature that was traveling with her would. Leegan's training never mattered more than it did now.

Well here it is! The summary for book 2!! I hope the idea is good, it might change a little as I go along. I promised some people that I would let them help me with ideas for characters or places. I thought it would only be right if i included everyone's ideas because you all got me through the first book! So please if you want to incorporate or suggest anything please do! I also want to hear about what you think of the twins!

(How I envisioned them)

(Pictures of them above)

Elliana: Susan from Narnia

Leegan: Thranduil from The Hobbit

Tell me if you think they look good or if you envisioned it different!

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