Warm Rocks

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I still wasn't showing enough to be noticeable, but Jareth noticed. Every time he would see me walking around he would get this smirk and walk straighter. He was so proud of his child. "You're not big enough" he would say to me and make me eat more which I would only chuckle and go along with his worries. The morning sickness was very noticeable to Jareth and always freaked him out. In fact, our first fight since I got pregnant was when he burst into the bathroom and told me to keep the baby safe and that throwing up wasn't safe. My pregnant emotions got the best of me then and I accused him of loving the baby more than me. I still cringe at that day in remembrance of our misunderstanding. I was ruthless that day, but I blame my pregnancy. It didn't take Jareth long to figure out my emotions were out of line.

   It was the big day when we would give Jareth's siblings the news of our new addition. It was the meeting the kings and queens of the Underground got together to discuss high kingdom matters. Edoneon would be present along with Sina and Hedian. Sina would most likely cry when she found out. Edoneon would probably be indifferent but content. Hedian on the other hand would gloat about it. Jareth and I have visited Hedian three times in the time we had been married. Each time we saw Hedian he would accuse me of being pregnant, but each time we would prove him wrong. I hope they will be happy for us. Jareth was once a ruthless man and the thought of his old self having a child scared me. Of course he was still the cold man on the outside when he needed to be, but with me his cold shoulder turned into teasing and silly banter.

"Sarah? Are you ready?" Jareth's voice stole my attention away from my thoughts and onto him. We were at the castle in the High Kingdom.

"Oh, yes I'm ready. We will tell them over dinner correct?" I asked. He nodded and kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arm around my waist to hold me and rub my stomach at the same time. "We're getting old" I said feeling the need to tease Jareth as we approached his second castle.

Jareth stopped mid stride and turned towards me. I was very aware that being Fae means we live longer and age a lot slower. As a human I was twenty two, but as a fae I was practically eighteen or nineteen looking until I hit somewhere between fifty and one hundred when I will slowly age just a little. Jareth looked to be about twenty or twenty one even though he was much older than me. He still wouldn't tell me how old, but with his assurance, I knew it wasn't that high. I looked down at the ground as I felt Jareth standing an inch away from me. His hands were on his hips and his head was tilted to the side. An evil glint to his eyes told me he was planning something.

"Is that so my Sarah?" He asked knowing he had an effect on me with how close he was. I looked into his eyes and he toyed with my brown hair. "And what basis do you stand on when you call me old?" He whispered with his chin lifted up.

"You play this game well my husband" I stood on my tiptoes. My lips brushed his ear as I got closer. "But you're still old" I whispered and smiled against  the side of his face as I went to move away, but his hands fell on my hips and held me in place.

"You're walking on thin ice" his lips traced from my forehead to my nose until he was eye to eye with me. "I'm still young and you know it" He released me and playfully pushed me towards the already open door with Sina and Hedian leaning on the frames watching us. My face heated and Jareth seemed energized by my red cheeks.

"Brother! How are you and your pregnant wife?" Hedian asked. I was shocked for a moment that he knew, but it hit me then that he was just saying his usual line.

"Very funny Hedian" I giggled and hugged Sina in a tight embrace.

"It has been way too long" She mutters in my ear and assesses my appearance when we pull away. Sina looks the same from the last time I saw her. I smiled innocently at her and step out of the way so she can see Desben behind me. Her eyes seemed to dilate as she drank in his appearance. She had it bad, but I was going to be worse in my ideas of actually getting the two together.

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