Chapter Two: Night Worth Celebrating

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Impatiently waiting for Jareth's entrance? Be patient. He's coming very soon. 

Sixteen Years Prior

"Datle, this is highly inappropriate. What is going on?" Loette spoke harshly as Datle pulled her out of her home in the middle of the night.

The celebrations were still in full force from the graduation ceremony that Loette decided to skip because she thought Datle was with his intended. He had skipped the ceremony, but he was stealing a glance at documents that were not meant for any eyes. Only when he was caught did he show up in the celebration to hide. He sought Loette, one of his loves who he had shared the information with. If anyone would run with him, it would be Loette.

"We need to leave now. They know" Datle held her wrist tighter as they ran though the field and stood at the foot of the mountain that guarded the Bloma.

"What about your intended? She will be crushed" Datle pushed Loette against the mountain and kissed her fiercely.

When they broke, he pointed up at a hidden passage in the rocks. "I knew the consequences of finding those documents. She will survive. Her heart beats for any with the slightest pulse. We need to leave quickly, before we are caught." Loette stood half frightened, and half excited as Datle climbed the mountain. He reached to pull her up and she complied. They ran into a small opening of a cave.

Dalte explained that he learned of something bigger than them happening outside of their world. He spoke of crazy things and creatures she would never have thought of. He spoke of a war between two races. Dalte was so disoriented in his speech that Loette perceived him intoxicated. She tried to stop and turn back, but he forbade her. He rambled of the leaders running after him, that their lives were in trouble for knowing too much.

Loette ran for a very long time listening to Dalte before she became tired following. When she believed she would collapse, they broke through to the other side. She peered out at the grumbling landscape before her. It was a masterpiece. Lightning coursed through the sky and large drops of rain pelted the ground with a grudge.

"We need to turn back! We're not prepared" Loette screamed over the rolls of thunder that shook the ground, but Datle tugged her along. They had spoken about running away when they learned of life outside the mountain, but had never seriously considered it.

"No. They're after us. There's no turning back for me" He said angrily.

They ran through the unknown territory together blindly. Loette heard an echo in the cave signifying someone was in pursuit, so she ran faster. There was no turning back for her then. They were making fine distance when root snaked its way into their path sending Datle crashing to the ground. Loette followed in his mistake hitting the ground hard next to him. They writhed in pain by each other's side, praying their followers would somehow miss them. They waited, listening for some sort of evidence that they had escaped, or have been caught.

In the deafening silence, they heard something. A cry. Datle put his arm over Loette in protection, but the cry was not from a threatening source. Loette threw Datle's arm off and crawled towards the crying as if her life depended on it. She pushed passed the brush in her way to expose a nearly drowned baby hidden in a bed of flowers.

Loette rushed to the child and picked her up. She inspected it for any outside damage. The strange baby was the color dried mud contrary to their deep green skin. Her eyes were a piercing blue. Loette placed her on her shoulder to stop the choking and covered her body to stop the heat from escaping her small frame.

When Datle rounded the corner of the tree, Loette went to shush him, but instead of speaking, he wrapped a hand around her mouth. Datle forced their bodies against the tree and put his finger in the child's mouth to calm it.

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