So Much Trouble

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Congratulations! This is the after first chapter after Sarah and Jareth are married!!! The first chapter will be posted on this book, but the rest will be in a separate book called "Our Glittering Darkness"!! Enjoy!!!

My eyes jerked wide open to break me from my deep sleep. My room was silent as Jareth rested peacefully beside me. I slid out from under the covers and put a green dress over my head and secured a lace belt to put pressure on my stomach. I needed to get out of the castle right then.

"Sarah?" My hand was on the door knob when Jareth was woken from his sleep. He propped himself up with his arm and looked at me through tired eyes.

"Go back to sleep" I spoke warmly as the bed feeling that woke me demanded my attention. I turned and rushed out of the room, but the sounds of bed sheets moving and heavy footsteps didn't take long to follow me.

"I'll be back in a little while" I trailed off as Jareth rounded the corner and gave me an odd look. The feeling of being sick overwhelmed me and I knew I had to get out of the castle immediately. It was the worst feeling in the world and I couldn't stand to have Jareth see me so sick that it moves me to tears.

"Sarah" He groaned. His hair was a mess from sleep and his pajamas still adorned his body "It's three in the morning. There is no possible way you can be going out for just a stroll" He tried to pull my arm back to my room, but I tugged back and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I really need to go! I promise I will be back within the hour. I just have to do something. I love you and will see you in an hour. I will be back before you fully wake up for the day. I'll take a guard with me!" Jareth held me from behind and put his chin on my head.

"I remember when you came here the first time. I would have never guessed you would have uttered the words "I love you". How I loved teasing and intimidating you. I desired with every fiber in my body to hold you in my arms, but there was this wall of stubborn adolescence blocking me" He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. He was trying to change the subject!

"I have a story" He whispered in my ear. This surprised me. Jareth usually had me tell him my dreams or stories because they calmed him. He knew I was very imaginative and always took great interest in my detailed thoughts. It was a very new thing for him to want to tell me a story.

"Oh? I thought it was my stories that always entrance you" I moved my head to look at him and he leaned down until he was inches from my face.

"Your stories are truly inspiring. I could listen to your dreams all day. They become my own, especially when I'm the main character" He smirked and I pinched his nose and tried to move out of his reach, but he held me still. I knew my time was running thin and I needed to get out.

"Why don't we meet in the garden at breakfast and you can tell me all about your story" Jareth sighed and placed his forehead on mine.

"You are such an infuriating person Sarah. You drive me absolutely crazy" his grip on me loosened from his tired state.

"Well I'll just drive away if I bother you that much my King" I teased and pulled out of the warmth of his arms. Jareth looked at me with narrowed eyes and I took off down the hallway with definite sounds of pursuit. I turned my head to see Jareth with his eyes set on me and I let out a squeak of fear and pushed myself to run faster. I managed to make it to the throne room before the sound of pursuit was gone.

My shoes clicked on the floor and I slowly turned in a circle. Jareth was toying with me. As the thought crossed my mind, his laughter floated through the room and I jerked in the direction it came from. His deep laughter came from the other side of the room then and I started to trip over my heels. I felt wind blow by my face and I gasped. The feeling I had earlier was rising and my need to get out of the castle was imperative.

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