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If you don't know, I'm going to be publishing my ideas, but to do that I need to create a first book and get the Labyrinth filtered out. The story will be the same, but the labyrinth references will be taken out. I have edited and edited the heck out of the story. I created a new beginning that I think you will really like. This update will set up what it will look like. Here is some info on what the book is about.

Name choices: Jareth and Sarah still haven't been renamed! If you'd like a say...

Jareth: Everet, Rowan, Vallen

Sarah: Aster, Laurel, Protea

In this new book, there will be three main kingdoms. The kingdoms are divided into human, fae, and nature.

Human: One Kingdom

- Ruled by king and queen... Sarah's parents

-Extremely large

Fae/Creature: One main kingdom with five smaller kingdoms(The kingdoms in this book and the characters in them are staying in the story... unless they are a direct reference to the Labyrinth like Hoggle or Ludo)

These will be given new and appropriate names names

-Sina's city ... earth city... Elven city

-Goblin city... farming fields, agriculture creatures

-Hedian's city... water city... water creatures

-Malignant... trash bin of the High Kingdom... basically jail in a kingdom

-Edoneon's city... air city... creatures with winds

Nature: Three small kingdoms to create a kingdom

-Garden city (Plants... flowers... trees)

-Earthy city (More animalistic, rough)

-Evil antagonists city (all that dark and unnaturally creepy stuff)

It is set up as a lost princess and prince theme with my own dark twist. It will play on ideas and themes I have in the books I have already written in this series. I'm SUPER stoked for this book because it will be EPIC. There is a notebook filled with details and plans for the book. I'm almost half way done planning the entire book. Lots of details and careful planning have gone into this. I hope it goes according to updating plan. Like my first book, this will be updated EVERY DAY so I can remember what I've written and make it more interesting.


*******It's very difficult to put this in a summery because the back story is so thick, so if you want further details on the characters or plot, ask me in the comments or message me! I know most everything that will happen in the book at this moment so most any question is welcome. Like I said, there are A LOT of details in the kingdom history and quite a bit of thought and backstory to each king, queen, and evil antagonist. Don't be shy to ask!******

If you want to contact me for any reason, my email is

I don't add Instagram or facebook because I didn't think anyone would care or want it.

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