Two Sides of the Forest Preview

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Strong, bold steps across the crumbling stone path built so many years ago crippled the dying kings heart and soul. The city around him was falling as if it had never been, its peoples voices never heard, its history never known. The castle was no more, and neither was the nation so strong it could withstand the most daunting attacks. Despite the cries of the men, women, and children, the bashing of stone against stone, and metal swords against other weapons of death, the king only heard the excruciatingly loud steps of the man he knew would bring ruin to everything he knew.

The king desired nothing more than to stand and fight one last time against the man who had ripped so many lives away. He felt a fervent desire to protect his own, but there was no way with the fall he took from the perch above him. He had no feeling in his legs, his struggle was useless. It wasn't until the man stood before the paralyzed king sprawled out over the rock in which he fell on that he understood everything was over.

"Why?" the word was somehow managed by the king as he witnessed the man's grim face turn to a smile.

"Why not?" were the only words uttered by the gravelly voice.

The man placed a sharp knife in the king's hands before turning his body towards his people struggling in the grasp of those armed under the man's power. "If the sight of your peoples suffering is too difficult to bare, this knife shall give you a swift end. What kind of king would that make you?" The man's expression was smug, but the king had one last defense for his world, even if his nation was lost.

"Have you been so distracted with my demise that you didn't venture past my barrier? Or were you so furious at why you could not enter the barrier? There are more nations, fiercer and more powerful than you've ever seen. The death your people have encountered against my men shies in comparison to the demise even you would face against what's beyond this territory. Run you weak man, because the barrier has been constructed to block our worlds while you've distracted yourself with my nation. It is closing this moment. If you or your men remain, your death will not be as merciful as what you believe is wicked against my people. I pray we never look upon each other's eyes again, for that day will be the end of us all" The words spilling from the king's mouth struck fear within the man. He straightened from his hunched stance and motioned for his army to retreat. He knew what the king spoke was truth. The barrier between their two worlds was closing with or without him on his side. Before he left, he spat on the king's armor.

"May your nation suffer and your world burn" Were his parting words before he left the king to watch the rest of his nation disappear.

This is a preview to the book that I'm writing from this fan fiction. It's a part of the history that the characters are in. This scene is the set up for our two characters known in the original book as Sarah and Jareth. If you have questions, I'd be happy to answer any questions you have!

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