The Rift

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The entire courtyard was completely packed with different creatures. They shuffled anxiously and talked in deafening tones. Metal clashed against metal from practicing creatures. Each type of weapon and creature gravitated towards their section. The long swords group stood tall and silent while the sand dwellers smashed their weapons together to pump themselves up. In the far back were the goblins with twisted blades and pots and pans and in the very front were the Warriors with ragged weapons that I would never want to see in action for fear of losing my stomach or more. The archers stood around the entire group with their bows at their sides and arrows slung over their shoulders.

I stood in one of the High King and Queen's large open rooms on the third floor looking out over the balcony. The ballroom of sorts was cluttered with war plans. The leaders bustled around yelling furiously. I turned my attention from the packed courtyard to the room and Sina was standing by me. "Oh my!" I breath scared. Sina smiled at me and moved her hand to get me to follow her. She wove through the room and out in the hallway. "Follow me, I have something for you" She said pulling me along. We moved down the now silent hallway and to a room at the very end of the hallway. The door had metal designs with a sword through the middle and I ran my finger along the metal. "I love all the metal work here" I said admiring the work.

"Yes, but I prefer what's inside the room" Sina teased and manipulated the metal to become a circle around the sword. The door clicked and Sina pushed it open. We stepped into the room and my eyes grew large. The only light streaming through the room came through the colorful glass with a hand reaching for another. The entire had weapons everywhere. Long swords were hung on the wall to my left. Bows were around the windows with their arrows right below them. Knives with designs on the blades and other unique weapons we stacked on metal shelves to my right. In the middle of the room were pedestals. On each pedestal was a unique weapon. Sina extended her arm towards the pedestals. "Pick one" She said looking to the weapons.

"Any weapon?" I asked feeling my pulse kick up. "Yes, or maybe perhaps you would like to be dressed first?" She asked. I bit my lip unsure of what I wanted. "I have an idea..." She said turning to the door we had come through and moved the metal on this side of the door to a different design. I watched her hands work quickly and the door opened. In the room were three wardrobes, one on each side of the room. Shields and other war findings were hanging from the walls. A Chandelier of candles hung from the ceiling and only lit when we entered.

Sina walked through the room to the wardrobe on the far wall. She threw the doors open and pulled out a sort of chainmail shirt. After assessing it, she brought the chain mail over to me and threw it over my head and shirt. It fell loosely around my torso and felt like I was wearing weights on my shoulders. I looked down and when my gaze returned to Sina, she held an armored black and golden corset. "Now this" She said turning me around and putting it on. The chain mail instantly tightened from the corset and I took in a deep breath. "I imagined the corset to limit my breathing" I said taking another deep breath noticing the corset restricted nothing. "It is one of my favorite types of corset" Sina said pulling a black belt out of the wardrobe and fastening it around my waist. I looked to my pants and Sina waved me off. "Those will protect you better than any armor" She explained.

Sina pulled out a crystal and reflected it from the light onto me. Before my eyes was my very own image. I looked at myself hardly in recognition. "You look war ready; now, do you know which weapon for your pick?" She asked me. I touched my corset and belt and then the two inches or so of chain mail protruding from the bottom of the belt. "I think I know" I said turning and walking to the weapon room. I went to the middle pedestal and picked up the sword with beautifully thin metal work from the hilt that went down the blade slightly. In the middle of the metal work was a jewel. It was the softest and most beautiful pink I had ever seen. "May I take this one?" I asked. Sina's face brightened with the largest smile I had ever seen. "Yes!" She said. "Now, let's go back to the ballroom balcony before we are missed" She added pulling me with her.

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