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"Jareth!" I cried out as I ran down the hallway of our castle. My hand was secure over my protruding stomach as me feet skipped over the ground in any direction. "We are going to be late! You will be sleeping on your throne again if you don't answer me right now!" I yelled angrily. I turned around to see behind me before running into something.

"Someone needs to watch where they're running. We are going to be late Love, we need to leave" Jareth spoke in an amused tone as his arms wrapped around me. "And I'm still going to get my revenge on you for making me sleep on my throne. That my Love is a promise" His voice had turned deep and threatening. I shivered and took a step back, but he pulled me to him once more. "Can we reschedule?" I shook my head took his hand in mine. I guided his hand to my stomach and smiled up at him.

"Feel that? That's your child. I'd like to make sure he or she is okay. We need to leave!" Jareth smirked towards my stomach and winked at me.

"I made that" He smiled so proudly that I held back from rolling my eyes.

I pulled away from Jareth as we walked towards the exit of the castle and bit my lip to hold my smile back. "Keep giving yourself all the credit and it'll be that last one you do make" His face turned into a raging storm as he looked at me in shock before determination. He snatched me to his side as we walked and leaned down to my ear. The goblins watched us anxiously as their king became rigid. I knew I was in no danger, but Jareth's possessive hold on me got them a little nervous.

"You wouldn't deny a king his children would you? I don't think you could hold out for very long" He challenged kissing my ear "I'm kind of irresistible and you're my wife so I'm all yours. Trust me, I am very aware I wasn't the only one to make our beautiful child" We began to walk again out the door. Jareth led me down the street with guards around us.

"Sarah! You are absolutely glowing!" A goblin girl said running up to me with a fae behind her. Jareth moved into a protective stance by my side, but allowed me to bend to their short level affected by their age.

"Thank you! What are you two busying yourselves with?" I raised an eyebrow at the grinning girls. The taller fae was holding something behind her back, but from the small color I could see, they meant no harm.

"We went to the meadows outside the city and got flowers! Would you like one? I got enough for me mom and my older sister, but I got a couple extra!" She held out a pink rose and I took it with a bright smile.

"You two are too sweet! Thank you very much!" Just as I took the flower, my baby decided to kick and I gasped. The two girls looked frightened as Jareth knelt beside me and pulled me too him. He asked what was wrong but I just smiled at him. "The baby kicked" The two girls squealed and jumped up and down. "Would you like to feel?" I asked them and they held out their hands with grins lighting up their faces. I guided their hands to my stomach and waited until a little kick landed on their palms.

"She kicked me!" The goblin girl gasped and looked at my flower. "She must like pink roses!" She put a rose on my stomach and I laughed.

"Darling, she can't hold your beautiful flowers yet. She can feel your kindness though" The little girl frowned before looking at me hopefully.

"Will you give it to her when she can hold it?" I nodded and the mother of the goblin I assumed called for the little girl. I said goodbye before both girls ran off.

"It's going to be a girl?" Jareth asked helping me stand again and continue to walk towards the doctor. I twirled the pink roses in my hand and smiled. I hummed my response as we entered into the doctor's shop.

As usual, we were escorted to a private room and the doctor felt my stomach. He was incredible at feeling vibrations. He could put his hand on my stomach and tell how the child is moving and what the heart rate is. I hadn't been to him in a couple months from my time in the High Kingdom, but he assured me it would be okay. Jareth didn't like his hands on my stomach, but I told him to get over it which he promptly bent down and kissed my stomach before saying that he would allow it as long as he can feel my stomach afterwards to rid the doctor's touch and replace it with his own. "I'm the dad! I can't have my child come out with the hands of another man last touching where he rested" He had said and I just laughed.

"Well, it looks like your baby is still very strong! I thi...wait... hold on" He furrowed his eyebrows and Jareth jumped up.

"What's the problem? What is wrong?" He was getting angry and I held his hand to calm him.

I looked gently towards the doctor with his hands searching my stomach. "Is there a problem?" I asked quietly. My fear was rising as he looked at me with wide eyes. I felt my eyes water and he shook his head and cleared his throat.

"Sit down my King. I have... uh... news" Jareth's grip on my hand tightened as he sat and the doctor tapped my stomach...

To view the rest of this chapter and the future chapters of this book, go to my works. The book with the chapters is called "Our Glittering Darkness"*** It is open for everyone to read- no follow required*** : )

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