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You could say it was sunny but not this day. The clouds were blacker than coles color, heavy rain dropped down from the sky. Puddles appearing and kids stepping on them and screaming because their new shows were ruined. Like didn't you know that it was gonna rain today? Idiots.

Anyway, you should know about me right about now. If you don't then I'm Lloyd. Son of the evil lord Garmadon. I don't like my dad very much, he didn't come to birthdays party's at all and he's the reason why I always get bullied. But my mom she's wonderful, she took care of me for 16 years, had many jobs along the way, and had to find many babysitters willing to take care of me because of my father.

But don't say I had an easy life. Because I didn't. I still have a scar from fifth grade when those two bully's slashed me with there little knife. It hurts so much.

Minus all that, when I entered school the kids gave me death glares and I stared to get flashbacks about my elementary experience. That's till my sis-friend Nya came with her motorcycle. She than gave them the hardest death glare I ever saw in my life. I probably would've pissed myself there, luckily I didn't.

"Hey Nya, how you doing this fine evening" I said very nervously trying to act cool. Nya was the best friend I ever had, me and her have a lot of sleepovers without Kai knowing. "It raining outside" she gave me dazed look.

"Oh, oh right I haven't notice yet haha.." a nervous laugh came out. She ignored it. "Hey do you want me to walk you to class today?" She asked me kindly. I wanted to say no respectively but than I remember what happened the last time I went to class alone. I nodded quietly.

That when I entered my class, I saw jay and Cole listening to some music and the class goofing off instead of sitting down for the teacher to come. I sat in the back near the corner as usual. That's when the teacher came in the classroom she always looks so mad. Everyone thinks that her and her husband got an divorced. I'm thinking that's true.

The day went off like the usual, going to biology class with Kai, got beat up by kids, going into science with Zane and Nya, got beat up by kids, having Gym with Cole, got beat up by kids, having lunch with the group, got beat up by kids, having Art with Jay, got beat up by kids, having Math by myself, got beat up by kids, then at the end of the day I read in the library, got beat up by kids.

I decided to walk home alone. I knew I was gonna get gained up by some random kids, and I was right but this time it was different. One of them pulled out a knife and gave me a nice scar near my ear so deep that I think I could see my skull. They left me there almost bleeding to death, till I got up still having my hand over the scar near my ear. I walked home at night.

I was relieved when mom wasn't home so she wouldn't notice. I put a bandage on the scar but it was still bleeding. I went to bed without dinner or texting my friend. When I realized the bullying is gonna get worse. I dozed off wishing I wouldn't wake up but wishes don't happened like dreams, I found out the hard way.

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