Who are you?

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I woke up with the sun in my eyes, it was 2 pm. Dam. I started to get up and get my stuff and. Then, I checked my phone. I had 103 messages and 79 miss calls.

I read them all and boy, there was a lot of words my lazy ass didn't want to read like from jay, "pls come back, If we did something wrong pls tell us" then from Cole, "bro your scaring me where the hell are you!" Then from Zane, "Come back." He doesn't say much. Actually I don't know if he knows how to use a phone.

Then Kai, who basically just said in summary, "if you don't come home right now im gonna burn the city" Then we have Nya, also in summary, "Im gonna kick your but if you don't come back!" I didn't want to read my mom messages.

I walked down the city trying to find a fast food restaurant with the money I have. Just when I spotted one, I saw a group of kids coming towards me and I just ran for my dear life. If I was like this in Gym, Then i would have a A+ instead of a B-.

I ran for a very long time till a bumped into somebody. "HEY, what were yo-" The girl stared into me with a stunned face. "y-your Garmadon's k-kid, r-right.." She looked hella scared like i was gonna stab her.

The girl had auburn hair with caramel highlights on her head. Her hair was puffy on the back of her head and flat on top of her head. Her eyes were emerald green with white sparkles. She had light pink lipstick on her lips. She had milk chocolate skin. She looked kinda pretty.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you okay?" I said trying to sound confident. She stared to heavily breath then burst into laughter. "I'm joking!" She said trying to calm down. "I don't care who you are" she gave me a smirk. I blushed.

"Who are you?" I said. She gave me a look, then she said "My name is Cleo Diaz" She said patting me on the back. "I'm guessing you already know my name." I said in a nervous laugh. I don't know why but I think turned red when she patted me.

"Yeah I guess so, anyway what are you doing in this part of the city?" She asked me. I didn't want to answer since I just met the girl, but I answered. "Well I kinda..Ran away from my house" I laughed nervously trying to be calm.

"Wow, why would you do that?!" She said angrily. I didn't answer and instead I just looked at her then walked off. She stared to follow me and would not leave me alone.

"What made you leave?!" "How did you leave?!" "Who did you leave?!" And so on. "The bullying, anxiety, depression, and etc." "I walked through the front door since no one was home." "My family and friends." I said to her.

"Wow that's a lot" she responded. "You asked me all those questions!!" I said with an angry tone. I kept walking while she kept talking. I was this close on to punching her.

"Why are you following me?" I said stoping at my tracks. "Well I want to help you survive in this part of the city, is that to wrong?" She said. I sighed. "Fine you can come with me" she danced happily.

So then Cleo and me went on to somewhere. We didn't know where we were going but at long it's far away from them since I don't want to be caught. Then i hit my head into a street lamp.

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