I didn't want to let go

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When I saw Kai my mind was about to explode. I didn't know what to do, my heart was racing fast. So I did the one thing imaginable, I hugged him.

Kai put one hand on my hair and the other on my back. He was hugging so tight. "I'm sorry for everything" I said. Kai responded "It's okay, You're safe now" I didn't want to let go, his hugs are always the warmest and I feel so much safe with him.

"I'm sorry for this" I whispered. Kai didn't have time to say anything. I pushed on the ground and grabbed Cleo's hand and we ran fast as we can to brads home.

"I think we lost them" I said once we entered the apartment lobby. We didn't know which room he lived in so we tried all of them. Took hours till we found 203, don't ask.

When I clicked the doorbell my heart was racing like a cheetah. Brad opened the door with a big blue hoodie, messy black hair, him rubbing his eyes, I forgot how pretty they looked, maybe that's why I though of brad when I look into Cleo's eyes, they have the same eyes, and he had light brown shorts on.

"Listen I don't want any cookies okay so-" he stopped talking when he saw me. We stayed in silence for like 2 minutes till Cleo said something "huh hi I'm Cleo and this is Lloyd we need a place to stay" Brad let us in without a word.

I didn't know how to feel when your in your crushes house, wait did I just saw crush?? "So what are you guys doing here?" Brad said locking the door behind him. "Well Lloyd ran away and I just followed him" Cleo said with a smirk on her face.
"WHAT?? LLOYD YOU RAN AWAY BUT WHY HUH WAIT HOW EVEN WHY!!" Brad kept doing this while shaking my arms "hu- brad- ple- let- me-explain" I said

"Sorry" brad calming down. I told him everything from the start. I think my cheeks were red when he hugged me. Cleo knew and gave me that smirk face.

"You guys can stay here for as long as it takes" brad said. "Yeah about that, me and Cleo were thinking that we're leaving Ninjago city together" I said

Silence... "WHAT BUT WHY DO YOU HAVE MONEY HUH WHY WHY WHYY" brad did this again. He calmed down yet again.

"We can talk about this in the morning you guys look tired." Brad said. We do kinda look tired. I took a shower first and brad gave me some of his clothes even though I had some clothes in my bag but whatever. When I was changing brad noticed the scar near my ear.

"Hey what's that" brad said before touching it. I flinched. "What happened, did someone did that to you?" Brad asked. I didn't answer. "It happened couple of days ago, it's nothing." I finally respond.

"It's something, what happened?" Brad asked again. "Look it's nothing it just.. look I'm tired we can talk about this later please, I'm tired" I Replied. Brad nodded and left the room.

I jumped on the bed not knowing what to do, but now I know that they know I'm here, but I'm not alone in this. I wished I didn't run away from my problems.

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