My father.

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I hear knocking on my door around 9pm, I opened the door to my friend Cleo, "Hey, Brad is making breakfast, you want some?" She said. "No I'm good" I responded. "To bad your eating" She said as she left.

I got dressed in some clothes that Brad let me borrow some of his clothes and then I headed out to the kitchen where Cleo and Brad are making breakfast.

I was gonna sit down till we heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer the door to see my dad. Wtf, how did he know where I am? Someone pls help, I think I'm going to jump off a bridge, not like I wasn't thinking about it. Lmao

"Huh" I said. THATS ALL I SAID LIKE WHAT WHAT DO YOU MEAN HUH DUDE WHY. My father, Garmadon, wasn't looking up all he said was, "Package for Brad t-" Brad cut him off as he pushed me out of the door frame. "That would be thank you kind sir" He said

Why was my father working as a mailman. I thought he was destroying the city, whatever. Brad closed the door before my father looked up. "Nice save" Cleo said unimpressed. "Thank you" Brad responded.

A few hours went by and I was getting bored. So I decided to go to this near by park hoping that my friends aren't there. I got dressed in this baggy green sweater from brad and some blue jeans I have.

I headed out the door without seeing either of my friends. Weird right? The just vanished and didn't say anything? Rude. I walked to a near by bench at the park and sat there. "Why are you here." A man said with a deep voice, I know that voice. It was my fathers voice.

I turned around to see my dad looking at me with an angry expression on his face. "I-I what..?" I had no idea what to say to him right there and then. "You think I wouldn't know if my son ran away from home? Of course I would know, your mother told me" He said as he was rolling his eyes.

I didn't know what to say. I had a shock and worried face. I wanted to scream and run away again. Then I did something I will probably regret, I smiled at him. Why did I smile? I didn't have the answer for that. He was gonna say more but he was cut off by someone punching him in the face.

Cleo came to my rescue and grabbed my hand as we ran to the apartment while my dad was still knocked out. We met with brad and he was worried because as soon as I left, then came home with take out, I'm guessing they burnt dinner. They are not good chefs and I had to make breakfast because they somehow burnt the water. Wtf

When they came home, I was gone so they decided to look for me then you know the rest. They started to lecture me about something I zoned out.

"I'm going to bed" I said as I got up from my set. "But it's 6pm?" Brad said. I shrugged and went to my room. I slept with the clothes I had on earlier. I fell asleep really quick.

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