Im sorry everyone.

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I don't know why, but I did it. I decided to take the bus, as usual people went to the other side of the bus making it lean on the end. I thought the wheels were gonna exploded. The bus diver almost hit me, like jeez calm down sally no wonder you parents died.

Many of the kids gave my dirty looks I did not like that at all. They give me a feeling that they were gonna jump me. I steeped into the school, people left my area when I went to the locker. "Look it's the blonde ***" (he said a slur) a boy said. The boy had a jersey on with a college shirt and jeans on. His hair was greasy brown, had black eyes. His father makes cars so he's pretty famous.

"Can you not said that to me Logan" I said looking at him with disgust. He rolled his eyes at me. "What are you gonna do, blow me up?" He said laughing. Soon his other friends started to laugh with him too.

I tried to leave but he pinned me to a locker. "Where do you think your going bi-" He stopped when Kai punched him right in the face. Soon kids stopped what they were doing and looked over to see the commotion.

"What the hell were you doing Logan Hudson!" Kai said in anger. I have never seen him get that angry since Nya drank his boba. Logan got up in pain and anger. "Did you just f***ing hit me you hedgehog!!" Logan said like he's about to cry. He had his hand on his cheek where Kai hit him, it was bleeding.

One of Logan's friends pushed Kai till Cole showed up to separate both of them before it become a fight. My other friends came, Nya was yelling at the kids, Zane was telling the other students to head back to their classes but they didn't listen, Cole was holding Kai back from Logan, And Jay asking me if I was okay. My hears were ringing, I couldn't say a word but just muttered.

This all started because of me so I did the only thing I could do. I ran. While I was running I turned back to see Nya reaching her hand out calling my name out. I ran back home and I don't know why I did but I packed some clothes, food, bandages, and left my mom a note.

I placed it on her bed and closed the door without thinking. I wasn't thinking like I didn't have control of myself but I didn't want to do this, but I did it. I took the nearest bus station I could fine with my hood on my head so no one would spot me. It's not like anyone cares about me anyway.

Ninjago city is pretty big so I don't know where I got dropped off but I know it was far away from the place I lived. I found a near by park that had green trees like the color of energy and found a bench to sleep on. I closed my eyes wondering, how am I gonna survive.

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