i don't know how to feel

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I finally woke up at 7:30 pm, wow I early. I got up and saw I'm still in the same cloths from yesterday till I saw some clothes at the end of my bed. It was a White shirt and a baggy black pants.

I got up and got dressed then headed out the room to find Brad sitting on the couch on his phone. "Hey morning" I said. He quickly looked up to see me. "Lloyd! Come sit down next to me, I think we should talk.." He said nervously.

Oh oh. Was it about yesterday?? I think to myself. I made my way to the couch and sat next to him not looking at him but he's looking at me.

"So.. uhh... how are you feeling recently?" He asked. "Shitty" I responded. "Oh! Alright.." we stayed silent for a really long time till he spoke again. "Look Lloyd I don't know your reason to running away but I think you should go back, your family is worry." He said.

I still didn't look at him and said "what?? You can't be serious!" "It's not that I don't want you around, I like having you around it's just that.." he stopped for a second before speaking.

"I just don't know actually." I finally looked at him. "If you want me gone just say it." I said angrily. "What?? No!! I want you around.. I want..you.." he said while not looking at me. Wait what did he just say. No I think I misheard, right??

I got up from the couch and was about to leave till Brad grabbed my arm and pushed me back onto the couch. "Wait! Please don't leave." He said. "Look Lloyd.. I never told you this but I've liked you since we were kids.. I didn't know what to do because I was afraid of what others will think." He took a breath and kept going while I sat there silently.

"I really do like you.. I don't know if you do.. I mean like you never show it but I'm not gonna force you to date me or do anything I just-" I kissed him.

Why did I kiss him. I don't know. Before anyone says anything, I've been in love with him for a really long time. Wow. I just had my first kiss. WHY DID I KISS HIM.

I quick pulled away. "I- sorry I didn't mean to do tha-" he kissed me back. I placed my arms around his neck as he put his hands around my waist.

Then Cleo walked in. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh... I think I should goooo..." She said awkwardly. We quickly pulled apart feeling flustered.

"Sorry!" We both said. "Yeah okay, sooooo are you two dating now?" Cleo asked. We looked at her wondering if we are. I nodded and Brad nodded, so i guess it's official. Me and Brad are dating! If Kai was here he would not like it but he isn't.

Maybe I should text him back saying that I'm okay and maybe I should go back. My time here with my new friend and new boyfriend really is helping me think.

I got up and excused myself to my room giving Brad a kiss on the forehead which makes him blush from embarrassment.

I sat there thinking if I should call anybody or not then I decided to call Jay cause I think he'll probably freak out less. Oh boy was that wrong.

When he picked up he started screaming into my ear and it wasn't even in speaker phone. "LLOYD! WHERE WERE YOU?! WE'VE BEEN WORRY SICK ABOUT YOU! ARE YOU OKAY?? WHERES YOUR LOCATION IM GOING TO GET YOU!" Jay screamed into my ear. "Maybe let's meet at Willow's park near the pizza place? We can talk there and don't bring anyone especially not Kai and Nya. I need to talk to them some other time. Promise?" I asked him.

He said promise. I knew I could count on it because Jay can keep promises but not secrets so maybe I'm not too confident but it's whatever.

I left my room and came back to Cleo hitting Brad with a pillow and Brad is fighting back, crazy. "Uhh hey guys what you doing?" I said.

They stopped and looked at me, "fighting" Cleo said in response. Then they began to fight again. I sighed and left the apartment still wearing the clothes from yesterday which I don't care anymore.


Hello guys!! I know I said I'm not continuing this but I am so here's a new chapter that I rushed on because I have school.

Anyway bye bye 🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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