Im screwed

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Me and Cleo we're walking for hours, actually it's was 17 minutes, but for me it was hours. We passed by a McDonald's and we both ordered happy meals. This was the first meal I had since 2 days ago.

"So what do we do now, rob a bank?" Cleo said as she put her cheeseburger in her mouth. "I don't know maybe we can get away from the city and leave Ninjago city?" I asked her and drinking my beverage.

"Maybe, but where would we go, I don't know anyone from outside the city" Cleo said. Then it hit me. I remember my old childhood friend, Brad Tudabone. "I know someone who lives in this part of the city, and I think he lives alone or with some else." I said. Cleo was thinking then said sure.

We were walking to go to Brads house hoping he would let us stay there till we get our stuff ready to leave the city. That's when my heart stopped. I spotted a missing poster. My missing poster. How did it get over here. I asked my myself. Till Cleo said "wow, dude look it's you." I stayed silent till I said, "we should go. Now." We started to run to run away. We passed someone from school but I don't think they notice me. When we stopped, my legs were hurting so much, I fell onto the floor, face first.

"Wow, that's the fastest I ever ran." Cleo said before she burst out laughing like a crazy scientist making a robot or bring the dead back. She kinda looked pretty when she laughed. Then I started to laugh with her till our lungs started to hurt.

"We should keep going to find brads house" I said after standing up on my legs that were still hurting from all the running I just did. Cleo nodded while grabbing our stuff from the floor. Our feet were hurting so much that I think that we were gonna lose out legs.

We were just walking till I spotted something, or someone. I saw Nya and Zane talking with a stranger. My heart stopped again, till the spotted me. They called out my name and I didn't stay there I started to run with Cleo right behind me. Then I bumped into someone and they grabbed my arms till I saw who it was. It was Kai, my older brother figure.

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