Chapter 12 - Dick, Need I Say More

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Kate's P.O.V.

I rub the crust from my eyes as I slowly raise myself from my bed. As the light hits my eyes I contemplate hissing like a vampire and pulling my blankets back over my face but I decide that it's probably time to get up judging by the growling in my stomach. I grab my hearing aid and some pills as I make my way out of my room and down to the kitchen.

When I enter the kitchen Alfred quickly looks me over and sighs before speaking.

" Ms. Kate, I'm sure that you do not mind coming to breakfast looking like a ruffian but we have a guest today! Didn't you read the note I left for you? Oh well, to late for that now. Go sit down at the table, and please be kind to Master Dick will you?"

"Okay, fiiine Alfred. I promise not to act somewhat presentable... but only if you make pancakes!"

" Ms. Kate, I'm sure-"

"Deal or no deal, Alfie."

"Oh, fine, now move along so I can get cooking."

I skip into the dining room, filled with joy at the prospect of future pancakes when I remember "Master Dick," hopefully he isn't some old, smelly, party pooper...

I halt as I enter the room, "Master Dick" is not what I was expecting. He is only appears to be a few years older than I am and is jaw line is to die for. As he looks his dark, piercing blue eyes seem to stare into my soul and they are perfectly framed by his black hair. I stutter as I start to speak and I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"I-I-I'm K-Kate, Nice to meet you..."

"Dick, call me dick." He laughs,

"Nice to meet you too Kate." He smiles and winks and suddenly my knees feel like jello. Dick stands up and pulls out a chair for me. And speaks with a mock British accent.

"You're seat, m'lady."

I giggle as I sit down. "Why thank you good sir."

"My pleasure."

He flashes me stunning smile and I feel like I could melt.

After we are both settled into our seats Alfred enters with my pancakes and I start to drool at the sight of the golden mountain. Seeing my face Dick leans in and whispers into my ear.

"That is the same face you made at me earlier, be careful or I might get jealous." My cheeks flush as I whisper back.

"You're jealous of pancakes?"

"Only if you like them more than me."

He winks as he leans back into is seat smirking and leaving me gaping at him.

Tim enters the room just as I am contemplating what it would be like for Dick to feed me some of his omelet and in his hands is a plate of French toast with so much powdered sugar that I could swear it's forming sugar dunes.

One of his hands is clenched into a fist and I realize why as he passes me. He opens his hand and blows and suddenly I am engulfed in a cloud of the sweat dust. I start choking as he doubles over laughing.

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