Chapter 13

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Sorry we took so long to update.
We started the chapter awhile ago but then summer vacations kinda pushed writing from our minds.
To make up for the extra wait we made this chapter the longest one yet.
(Over 3000 words not counting the authors note.)
We also put a bit of everything in here for you.
Fighting, love, flashbacks, and a whole lotta drama.
We hope you enjoy!

Kate's P.O.V.

I wake up in the morning feeling groggy. My eyes burn from tears and I try to remember why I was crying. Oh yea, Dick is a total lying jerk-face! At least he lives up to his name...

Oh well. I can't let someone like him get to me. I am going to go to school with Tim and forget all about him. Wait a minute! Why did the fact that I was gonna be with Tim even cross my mind. Whatever, it's not like I like him or anything. Wait, do I? Nah, that is impossible. I hate his stinking guts. At least he's not a jerk like that stupid, ugly, jerk-face, Dick.


Oh shoot! I just said that out loud didn't I... Whatever, why should I care if he heard that! I toss on my uniform, swallow a few pills, and grab my bag before putting on my hearing aid and dashing out my door and down the stairs. I decide to make my own breakfast. I'm not really in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment, even Alfred.

I make a quick fruit smoothie and toss in some protein powder and grab the lunch money Alfred left out for me. I dash outside just as Tim pulls up.

I quickly open the door and slide into the seat letting out a sigh. Pushing back wavy, light blonde hair I straighten myself.

"You okay?" Tim asks. He actually seems kinda worried...

"I'm fine. What makes you think I'm not!" I didn't mean to snap at him. I just couldn't help it. This weird darkness pushing at the edges of my vision feel like a boa constrictor wrapped around me, coiling tighter and tighter until eventually I know I will just explode. I can't give in though. Not now. I can't let that happen again.

Tim stares at me for a moment before responding.

"It's nothing... forget about it..." He looks away and begins driving. I let me self sink back into my seat and I close my eyes. I just need to relax. Yupp. That will make this all better. And maybe some more meds. Good thing I thought to bring them with me.

When I get to school I get out of the car as quickly as possible. I hate having all these people stare at me! I swallow a few pills dry on my way to the locker and put them back in my bag. I try to ignore the glares of  Tiffany and her clique as I throw my bag in my locker. Grabbing my home room text book I slam my locker shut and stomp off to class.

The day is kind of a blur. I don't really bother to listen to the teachers. I already know all this stuff anyways. At lunch I eat alone in the library as usual. To late I realize that I have spaced out and now I'm going to be late for my next class! I Sprint out of the library and grab my book as I pass my locker. I rush into the classroom just as the last bell rings. At least I made it.

I settle in my seat and start doodling. Suddenly I hear a voice over the PA system.

"Will Ms. Wayne please report to the principal's office. Kate Elizabeth Wayne report to the principal's office."

Slamming my book shut I push myself out of my seat, grab my stuff and stalk out of the classroom. Why am I getting called to the principal's office? I don't think that I have done anything wrong recently... have I?

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