Chapter 5 - If Only It Was Just A Dream

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Kate's P.O.V.

I look around and see the all to familiar sight of my room at one of the foster homes. I see a bloody body. I look down and see a knife in my hand. It shines red with blood, it dripps down my hand, what have I done! I look at the face of my victim, it is my foster parents son, I hear the door slam open. I need to clean this up. I drag him to my window and toss him out, what am I going to do about the blood stained carpet?

I hear him coming up the stairs I toss my blankets over the stain and rush out of my room slamming the door behind me. I press myself against the door right as he reaches the top of the stairs. He pushes me aside and I fall on the floor. I think that I broke a rib, I ignore it and rush into the room.

"I thought that I told you to clean this up!" He bellows. He grabs my sheets and tosses them onto my bed.

"Clean this u-..." he stops in the middle of his sentence when he sees the blood. His eyes widen in shock, he frantically starts throwing aside the rest of my blankets as he follows the trail of blood, he looks out the window and gasps then lets out an anguished yell. He turns to me and screams, "How could you do this! He was my only son! I fed you, clothed you, and took care of you as one of my own and this is how you repay me!" He stops out of the room and I hear the door lock, I rattle the doorknob just in case but I can't get out, I know that it is impossible, this is not the first time he has locked me in here.

I start to think of all the other times but stop myself. I hear is wife sobbing and I hear him on the phone with the police. I look out the window and see the body, you can hardly tell who it used to be. His remains are splattered on the pavement and his limbs are bent at unusual angles, there is a puddle of blood surrounding him and I can see gleaming white bones poking out of his tanned skin and blood stained clothes. I look away repulsed, I hear the police coming and black out.

When I wake up again everything is a blur. I lay down and close my eyes, I have a massive headache. When I open them again the world seems to have reorianted itself. I look around and see a familiar room, then it all comes flooding back. Running away, being saved, Bruce adopting me, the doctors, everything, even those things I wish to forget. For some reason I feel some of these memories aren't mine but I ignored the feeling. I see Bruce walk in with a grim smile, I can tell that he is trying to tell me that it's all ok but the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes instantly alerting me that someting is off but I decided not to push him and let him explain.

Bruce's P.O.V.

After Kate blacked out I decided to take her home, once there I decided to take a nap. I kept tossing and turning until suddenly things changed...

I see Kate standing over a body with a bloody knife. I get closer and see the eyes turning red as blood starts to accumulate. Kate cocks her head as if listening to something then she seems to panic. She drags the body to the window and tosses it out, I hear this weird sound, it seems to be a mix of a crack and a splat. Kate starts trying cover up her bloodstained carpet with sheets, while doing so she wipes off most of the blood on her hands so that they only have a slight red tinge.

She rushes out of the room and seconds later a man bursts in and starts yelling at her as she follows him, afraid, I feel a strange anger rise up inside of me but I push it down not knowing why. She rushes to the window and I see her gag and push herself away. I go to comfort her but I can't seem to touch her. I close my eyes and sigh in frustration.

When I open my eyes I am back in my room, I decided that I should confront Kate about this but I wasn't sure how. I make my down to her room to make sure shes ok, I peak at her door and I see her awake sweating with tears streaming down her red face. I walk in and I sit next to her on the bed,"Nightmares?" I ask her "Yea the worst you could ever imagine." "So... what happened in your nightmare?"

"Well......Its more of memory that haunts me..... anyways theres a boy.... dead in a puddle of blood, and I'am holding the knife that killed him........I really don't want to talk about it.... "

"I understand...... dinner will be ready soon.. I'll leave you to get ready."

I get up and I close the door behinf me, I know theres something shes not telling me and that there is more to her story. I retreat to the Batcave to dig in to her story, I go through the old grandfather clock and jog down the long stair case. I jump into my chair rapidly pressing every button on the keyboard, hacking into the GCPD files are to easy. I search the name Kate Elizabeth and a file pops up. I start reading her file, first name Kathleen, middle name Elizabeth and last name unknown.

Arrested for petty theft 4 times, and spent 2 months in juvenile detention for murder. I stare at the screan shocked that a girl like her could do such a thing. I hear Alfred call me over the intercom saying dinner is ready, so I leave the cave thinking about what I just read.

Kate's P.O.V.

I wipe away the sweat and tears from my face after trying to explain my nightmare to Bruce, I don't what I be more ashamed of that he had to calm down when screaming a doctor's office, or that he saw my flushed face with tears pouring down . I try not to think about it so I take a shower and I try to wash away all the little emotions down the drain, I want to stay under the warm water but I know I can't so I get out since my fingers look like prunes. I dress simple for dinner I don't really like to get fancy, I put on a long sleeved white shirt and skinny jeans and my worn out boots.

Dinner won't start for a while so I sit by the giant window watching raindrops hit the glass, I loved the rain because it come with dark clouds that make the atmosphere ominous yet beautiful. The flashes of lightning made shadows and roars of thunder echoed in my room, I open the window and I shut my eyes and smell the rain and I catch myself before I fall out the window. I look at the clock relizing I've been doing this for an hour so I make my down to eat dinner, I sit at the table with Greek Chicken (Grilled chicken breast marinated in greek marinade and topped with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions and black olives) and baby spinach.

I start to eat and I notice Bruce kinda giving me the stink eye or something, which kinda made this dinner more awkward that the first. I ignore it and pay more attention to the T.V brocasting the news, and I listen to what the reporter has to say. "Vicki Vale here at Gotham National Bank where Mr.Freeze is holding over 30 people hostage inside and 5 presumed dead, everyone holds their breath awaiting the presence of The Batman."

I never really believed in "Batman" he seems more like a fantasy made up by the peopl of Gotham, and I won't believe it until I actually see him in person. I look up from my plate and I notice Bruce just vanished from the table, and Alfred picks up after him."Where's Bruce gone to Alf?" "I'am afraid Master Bruce has an important engagement to attend" I leave the table and sit on the couch to watch T.V "As if this place isn't empty already" I say under my breath as I settle into the couch.

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