Chapter 3 - Our New Beginning Needs A Fresh Start

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Bruce's P.O.V.

The ride back home was quite. I wish that I was driving but I had let Alfred drive just in case I had another... well whatever it was that happened last night. I was right, it happened a few times. I kept seeing the girl, slightly older each time, crying as she was beaten, starved, or abandoned time after time. Then I saw... myself? I was abusing a girl who looked identical to Kate in the most horrible ways, time after time .

Where is this all coming from? I look back at Kate to see her sleeping, she is so cute when she sleeps, I think while smiling gently. No, Bruce! You are way to old for that, besides, she is your daughter, what are you thinking! I turn away but can't help smiling when I think of her.

Kate's P.O.V.

On the ride home I fell asleep, I was exhausted! While asleep I kept dreaming about all of my past "parents". Hah! They don't even deserve that title, I then start to worry what if "Bruce" does the same thing! But for some reason this time I don't believe my thoughts, I feel... safe with him.

When we get there I am astonished, this place is huge! This guy must be a millionaire!

"Billionaire actually" he laughs. What! How did he know what I was thinking! He chuckles,

"Your thinking out loud!" He doubles over in laughter, I huff and march up the stairs which only makes him laugh harder.

Alfred (I heard Bruce say his name in the car) takes me to my room and tells me to get settled in and that dinner would be ready in three hours, after he leaves I check the time, 4:00, I then start to put my schedule together mentally, I should be unpacked in about five minutes, then I can check out the room, take a nap for about an hour than wake up and make myself presentable again for dinner.

I start to unpack my few possessions, a long sleeve t-shirt, a pair of jeans, socks, and another pair of under garments. I also have some cotton shorts and a soft, baggy t-shirt that I stole to wear as pajamas. Underneath I have a journal, I have taken it to every house and all of my secrets and memories are in here, and a piece of chocolate, I have been slowly eating this for years, every day I take a little pea size nibble. I was right, unpacking didn't take long, I look at the clock, 4:03. Time to explore! I think excitedly.

I opened the door and see a walk in closet. It is huge! The clothes are amazing, and most seem to be designer. I see another door and open it and I see the most luxurious bathroom, it has everything. I see a small, frosted glass door, behind it there are tons of soaps and shampoos and perfumes, and a stack of the softest, fluffiest, cleanest towels I have ever seen.

I opened another door and was back in my room. I saw that on my bed there was a dress with a note layed out. I first read the note, it said "Master Bruce asked me to give this to you to wear tonight. - Alfred"

I look at the dress and sigh, it seems so revealing, the dress goes down about halfway to my knee, and most of the arms and part of my chest area are covered in mesh. It is covered in a blue almost tribal pattern, I think that I would probably love it if it was a bit longer. I decided to wear it anyways though just to please them, I don't want to be sent back to the orphanage I think shuddering at the thought.

Go into the closet and pick out a pair of black heels, blue feather earings, and a silver bracelet with blue stones. I put them by the tub then go back and grab the dress and put it there to. I grab a towel and some soaps and put them there also, I turn on the water and some music. I look at the time and see that it is 5:00, perfect, I think. I slip into the water and feel a shock in my ear.

Oh no! I quickly get up and realize that I can't hear the music, I take out my hearing aid and it is fried. Ms. Vicker gave me a hearing aid for interviews and I hadn't given it back to her. I decided to take my bath anyways.

I wake up with a start in a tub full of cold water with the jets still running I turn them off and look at the clock. 7:00!!! I hurry to get dressed, I dry my hair and quickly braid it then brush on some make up and rush downstairs wondering why I would chose to wear heels. I run into the dinning room and sit down. I noticed that Bruce was sitting there.

Bruce's P.O.V.

I have been sitting here forever. Alfred won't let me eat until she is hear though. Finally I see her rush into the room, she looks beautiful. I get up and pull her chair out for her to sit down, I return to my seat and Alfred brings out trays of food for the both us and he disappears back into the kitchen.

On our plates was steak that was well done and a side of salad and garlic cheddar red potatoes, there was an awkward silence as I see Kate stuff her face with potatoes not really caring about her manners. I take this as my chance to start up some small talk to break the silence,"So..Kate do you like it here so far?" I wait for a response from her but she continues to eat.

Maybe I wasn't loud enough? I clear my throat and I say her name louder "KATE" She must be ignoring me but I don't see a reason for her to, I knew teenagers never listened but I never knew it could be something like this. I get up from my seat and I walk over to her without her noticing me.

"Kate, are you okay?" I repeat it to her and she just studies my lips and after a few seconds.

"I'm fine"

I go back to my seat and continue to eat and then I see Kate just sitting and staring down at something and she lets out an anger filled scream, she gets up and in the process pushing her chair down. She stabs her knife into the steak and she storms up the stairs taking off her high heels. I run after her and I hear the door slam I try to open the door but she locked it.

"Kate!? Kate!"

"Just leave me ALONE!"

Kate's P.O.V.

I start to stuff my face with food and drink as much water to wash it all down, I peak over to look at Bruce and I see his lips moving but I don't hear any words come out. This makes me nervous and I start to stuff my face even more almost choking on my salad, I know hes talking to me but I can't hear him!

I see him get up from his seat walking over to me, he touches my shoulder and says something to me. I stare at his lips trying to read what hes saying and i just say "I'm fine" he goes over to his seat and I let out a sigh of relief and I stare at the floor. I have a massive head ache something is starting to trigger a memory.

I see myself over someone and and tears coming down my face and blood everywhere, I start to scream and I stab my knife into my food hearing a crack knowing I broke the plate. I run up to my room kicking my heels off and I slam my door putting a chair under the door knob. I keep screaming and I walk over to the wall and punch it hoping I would make a dent. Pain just filled my fist which I didn't care about, I knew Bruce was at my door.

"Just leave me alone!"

I keep screaming it over and over again but I start to lose my voice, I stomp around my room ready to pull my hair out with all the hate and guilt inside me. I try calming myself down telling by telling myself that I was safe and that nothing could hurt me again. I take off my dress and put something on to sleep in.

I get in my queen sized bed and lay there staring at the ceiling, hoping that nightmares would not replace dreams, memories would escape me, and that maybe I could have a family and have a happy ending. I keep telling myself that until my eyes start to close and I fall asleep.

Hey guys thank you so much for reading, we are both very excited about this and hope that you enjoy it. We thought that it might be fun to get some of ya'll commenting so... (drum roll please) ... we would like to know, what could we do to make you comment? Tell us in the comments or private message us, can't wait to hear from you!

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