Chapter 2 - Why Must I Always Save The Damsel

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Batman's P.O.V

Man, what have I gotten myself into? Stupid Bruce, you always have to rescue the damsel in distress don't you! Well now what are you supposed to do?

"Calm down, calm down, it's all going to be ok," this becomes my mantra as I repeat it over and over as I drive. I return to the Batcave and I bring the girl to Alfred to save the unconscious girl. When Alfred is finished with her I bring her up to the manor and place her in bed and quietly I make my way out letter her rest.

Kate's P.O.V.

I don't remember much about what happened, it almost seems like a dream. I remember my arms being cut with a knife and then blacking out... I also seem to remember seeing a shadowy figure right before I went unconscious.

When I wake up the first thing I notice is that I am laying on the comfiest bed ever, it is soft and warm, I could stay there forever if the most delicious scent hadn't filled my nostrils. I finally muster up the strength to get out of my warm, cozy bed and as I throw off my blanket I feel a ripping pain in my arm.

I shriek at the top of my lung and instantly hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I look down at my arm and see blood I black out right as they open the door.

Alfred's P.O.V.

I was getting ready to make dinner and I heard a scream followed by a loud thud, I run out of the kitchen an up the stairs and I hear Master Bruce's door open and slam shut as he ran down the hall. We both entered the room at the same time finding the girl lying on the floor in a pool of blood, Master Bruce gently picks her up and carries her into the Batcave.

"Alfred bandages now!" I run over to get bandages as he sets her up on the table and puts pressure on the bleeding, I give him the the bandages as he takes off her old ones.

When Master Bruce takes off the bandages I see him raise his eyebrows in surprise. I walk over and look, what I see makes me gasp.

Bruce's P.O.V.

I take of her bandages and see the letters DCHC branded on her back. Alfred comes over to look at her and sees the brands, I lean into get a closer look silently wondering how she got them. Suddenly I start seeing images flash through my head, I see a young girl screaming, kicking, and crying as she is pulled down a hall by her hair.

The woman dragging her yells at her saying "Shut up, your racket is hurting my ears, and I promise you, you don't want that." She lifts the girl up and she shrieks in pain as I hear an awful ripping sound and see blood starting to come from her scalp. The woman carries her to a room at the end of the hall while the girl twists around suspended by her hair as tears stream down her face.

Once in the room the woman straps her down and puts something into the fire. When she takes it out it is glowing white and I see the girl start to lash around in fear and start to cry again as the women comes near her.

"Please, don't" she pleads. The lady laughs.

"Now now, stay still" she says. "If you move it will only hurt more"

The woman takes the object, which I now recognize as a branding iron, and presses it onto the girl's back. She arches her back and screams in pain. I see steam start to rise up and can smell burning flesh. The brand is removed and I see the letters DCHC there. I can see the bright red flesh sizzle and I see the girl bite her lip in pain. Blood starts to trickle from her lip.

"Master Bruce, Master Bruce," I blink and see that Alfred was talking to me.

"Yes, Alfred" I reply.

"What just happened?" He asks.


"Your eyes just rolled into the back of your head and you became unresponsive," he says "are you okay?"

"Uh yeah, Alfred, I am fine, I think that I am going to sleep now, it's been a long night."

"Ok, Master Bruce, I will finish bandaging her"

"Thanks Alfred, couldn't do it without you." I see a smile come to his face as I walk out of the room. What was that I wonder? I go to the computer and search the brand DCHC and a site for the Divine Children's Hope Center, an orphanage on the outskirts of Gotham.

The only thing I can think of to do is take her back until I find out more about her, when Alfred is finished with her I place her in the Batmobile and head for the orphanage. I climb through a broken window and place her in an empty bed, I stare at her frail body for a moment and I sneak down to the main office.

I search through all the information files and find her picture on one of the files, I quickly scan all the pages and take one that could help me. I fold it and put it in my belt and leave without being noticed and speed back home ready to turn in for the night.

Kate's P.O.V.

I wake up finding myself back in my rotting room and on my bumpy bed, I staggered up to my feet still feeling pain in my arm which was mysteriously wrapped in bandages. I make my way out of my room and feel tugging on my hair.

"Well so the great Kate finally returns! Its a good thing you have an interview to save you for now."

"Well then I better be on my way Ms.Vicker!"

She pulls on my hair tighter nearly ripping half of it off my head, she lets go and I walk down the stairs rubbing my head and wiping away a single tear and head to my interview. When I walk in I see a tall man with fine black hair and deep sea blue eyes sitting down,

I take my seat across from him I cross my arms and just stare at the ceiling, the room is quiet and then he starts to speak.

"Hello, I'm Bruce Wayne"

"Kate Elizabeth" I say in a hush tone "I'm sure you read my papers?"

"Yes I did"

"Then I guess this interview is over, your going to say sorry and leave me here"

"No, I'm here to adopt you"

"Why? Just because you feel sorry for me? Is that it?"

"Because you deserve a better life and I can give that to you, so I suggest you have your bags ready in a half hour."

He gets up and leaves the room with me alone inside,"A better life?" I say under my breath, but I really doubt anyone could give me a real life. I go to my room and put all my belongings in a suitcase ready to leave this dreary place.

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading, following, and commenting. (For those of you who don't know the picture on the sides of branding irons.)

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