Chapter 3

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Lumine's POV:

"No way! It's true! You do have hickeys!" Amber came into my office.
"Huh?!" I looked up.
"Someone said it looked like one was hidden under the scarf! You never wear scarfs! Show show! Who was it!" She closed the door.
"N-No one! I just like this scarf!" I blushed.
Amber reached towards me and pulled it off.
"Omg! Who did that!!" She said excitedly.
"I-It was just a fling... this guy at the bar and I got drunk a little and messed around just a bit! Nothing serious, I don't even have his number,." I lied.
"Awww.. No fun! Also I heard Thoma is single!~" she teased.
"I told you I don't like him like that. I just messed up the paper work!" I sighed.
"Oh come on! Thoma would make a great husband!" She whined.
"Why don't you date him then?" I asked.
"Because I like someone else. But it's so obvious you like him!" Amber said and then there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I said.
In walked Signora.
"My my~ So you've already moved on from Tartaglia? I knew you were a slut~" she giggled.
"Hey don't talk to Lumine like that!" Amber said upset.
"It's fine. Like I've said before, I have no interest in him." I said.
"That's right! Lumine likes Thoma!" Amber defended me.
"Amber!" I looked over at her.
"Ahhh! I see! I had you all wrong Lumine~ your trying to impress him. Fine by me. As long as it's not my baby~" she said before winking and leaving the room.
Oh no. Oh god! She's gonna tell Ajax! And now rumors will start.
"Amber! Don't go around telling people that!" I said.
"But atleast it's got her off your ass! Truth or not!" She said.
"Your right.."
She was. This will help her stop her suspicions but it will make Mr. Tartaglia jealous and upset.. and I'll have to deal with his tantrum...

It was towards the end of the day. I was finishing up a few things. Mr. Tartaglia had been busy in meetings all day. I hope they went well..
Suddenly the door opened and closed. I was use to this by now, a lot of the employees here did that to me..
"Oh!!" I said realizing who it was.
"Lumine." He said my name sternly.
Maybe play dumb?
"Can I help you?" I tilted my head as I got up with the files I needed to give him anyway.
"What is this I hear about you liking Thoma." It wasn't a question.
"Calm down. It's to get signora to stop being suspicious." I said as I sighed.
"B-But then everyone won't know your mine.." he pouted.
"They can't know now either.. It's fake okay?? I-I m-meant everything last night... I d-don't regret it.." I blushed and looked away.
He pulled me in my by waist and leaned down placing a kiss on my lips.
"I don't either.." he smiled.
"Y-You.. U-Um w-well, y-you should um.." I was stuttering and I don't know why I couldn't get a sentence out.
"Your so cute.." his hand moved down to my butt and he kissed my lips once more.
"Hey... W-we shouldn't do this here.." I blushed.
"Shh.. No one will hear.." he said before pulling my scarf off.
"You look better like this~ maybe I should ban scarfs~" he teased.
"Asshole.." I glared.
"Shh~ your prettier when moaning.." he said.
"And your hotter when your quiet." I said teasing right back.
"We'll then.. shut me up lumi~" he said and I couldn't resist myself from pulling him down by the tie and kissing him.
We pulled away and softly chuckled.
"Now if you don't mind Mr. Tartaglia~" I straightened out his tie.
"I have to get home before I miss my bus!" I said as I looked at the clock.
"Why not just come back with me~" he smirked.
"Because I doubt you'll do your work if I'm there with you~" I giggled.
"Hmm fine... I'll see you tomorrow then~" he smiled.
"But first! Follow me, I have a few things I need to brief you about for tomorrow!" I smiled.
He sighed.
I grabbed my stuff and he walked me to the front as I caught him up to pace.
"I'll see you tomorrow!" I smiled as I went to the door.
"See you tomorrow!" He smiled as he watched me leave.
"Hello?.." I answered my phone tiredly.
It was late... I looked at my alarm clock. 2 am. Now I know who it is
"Hey darlin~" he spoke,
"How many times do I need to tell you not to call me this late?!" I said as I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes sleepily.
"I missed your voice.." he pouted.
"You couldn't have waited til tomorrow morning?" I sighed.
"Not at all.. Lumine, please..." he whispered,
I sighed. He called me a lot this late. He had terrible nightmares, wouldn't ever tell me what about. Only called me and would ask me to talk and talk until he could sleep again.
"Very well..." I said.
I woke up to my alarm. I was tired from staying up late with him. But he had fallen asleep and that was good even if it's just to help him forget those nightmares.
I got up tiredly and put on my clothing. I washed my face trying to wake up. My heads hot... It's fine just tired. I applied my light make up and put on my uniform.
I looked at my fridge. I should eat before I go. But I don't feel very good. I'm tired.. I should atleast have my coffee..
I did just that before slipping my heals on and making my way to the bus from my apartment and made my way to work. Shouldn't I be awake by now? I shouldn't be this tired... It's fine I was up late.. Come on coffee. I got into my office and got right to work. Or tried.
It's so hot.. I took my blazer off and rolled my sleeves up. Nothing helped. Please no.. Cant be sick... but before I knew it my head was on the desk.
No.. come on gotta get up, I can do this. I tried to get up and I stumbled. I grabbed the files and made my way to Tartaglias office.
I knocked, "Come in!" He said back.
I opened the door and tried to compose myself.
"S-Sir, I have your schedule ready.." I tried to make my way to his desk but I got dizzy and dropped the files.
"Lumine?!" He shot up and quickly helped me stand up.
"Your burning up..." he felt my head.
"I'm sorry.." I apologized as I felt myself lose consciousness.
"Mmm?.." I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
I looked around. Where am I?.. I was at the office.. that's right Ajax caught me.. I looked down at myself. I'm in his hoodie.. soft... it smells like him.
I nuzzled myself into his scent.
"Ah! Your awake!" I heard him enter the room.
"Hm? Enjoying the hoodie?" He softly laughed.
"Mmm.. Hot.." I whined nuzzle deeper into the sheets.
"I know I know.." he softly spoke before sitting next to me and he had a bunch of stuff.
"Here..." he placed a cold rag on my head.
"Ajax.." I reached for his hand, pulling it close to my chest and snuggling into it.
"Who knew when sick you'd get so docile and cute.." I heard him say.
"Let me go get you some water okay?" He tried to pull his hand away.
"N-No! Don't leave!" I held his hand tightly.
"O-Okay! Here.." he got into the bed and pulled me into his lap.
"Mmm..." I snuggled into him.
"Your so cute.." he held me.
It's so warm.. he's so kind.. He's holding me so tightly. I moved my hand to his chest and pressed my ear to his heart. Hearing his heart beat was soothing.
"What are you doing?.." he softly chuckled.
"Listening to your heart.." I smiled.
He lifted me up and then pressed his ear to my chest, listening to me.
"It's relaxing.." he smiled.
"It sounds like it's saying it loves me.." he chuckled.
"It's because I do.." I nodded before feeling very sleepy again.
"I'm glad.. let's rest okay?" He smiled.
"Mmm.." I snuggled in and let my self try to fall asleep again.
It was so easy to get comfortable.
I felt a sudden jolt. Heavy breathing and a rapid heart beat. I sat up quickly. Looking at Ajax. He looked terrified. Breathing heavily and sweating.
"What's wrong?!" I asked worried quickly rushing to his side.
"N-n-nothing! I-I-" he could barely speak and his hands were shaking.
Ah.. his nightmares. So this is what it's really like. Before he can collect himself and call me. I brought him close to me.
"Did you know stars don't actually twinkle? Clouds and such make them appear that way. They stay strong and bright as they burn, but things sometimes  make them seem as if they aren't burning strong. But through that, they are.. but it takes someone knowing that... to believe they always burn bright." I said as I cupped his face.
Pressing my forehead to his. His breathing was calming. His hands began to rest on my hips, no longer shaking as bad but still a little. His eyes looking more tired then scared.
"My star always burns so bright... through the clouds..." he smiled at me.
I giggled. Even through this he flirts. I let him snuggle me in close. I wrapped the blanket around us.
"Are you doing okay?" I asked.
"I.. I'm better.." he answered.
"Mm... you need your sleep. We have work tomorrow.." I smiled,
"No I have work tomorrow.. your staying home." He kissed me.
"Why?!" I said offended.
"Your sick remember?" He laughed.
I don't know how I forgot that.
"How did I get here?" I asked confused.
"When you passed out, I was able to take the rest of the day off and bring you here. No meetings helped. But you were so bad you slept til later and then... slept more. Don't worry I just worked from home today.." he smiled.
"I see.. I'm glad.." I smiled,
It was nice to know he continued his work here. But I didn't do anything..
"You got sick from staying up all night,. I work you too hard.. don't I?." He looked sad.
"Mm.. Not at all. I'm happy.." I smiled as I snuggled in closely.
"But your sick.." he patted me.
"Mmm... I haven't gotten sick in such a long time... My brother was the one to always take care of me. He would be worried all day and wouldn't leave my side..." I laughed at the memories.
"Really? I don't think I've ever seen your brother.." he thought.
"Mm.. He's nice. He has a boyfriend named Zhongli. They've been dating for a while now!" I said.
"Mm.. Do you two look a lot like? Or since your different genders are you not the same at all?" He asked.
"His hair is a lighter color then me.. He's way nicer, very thoughtful, he's a bigger dreamer then me, so creative.. He's a bit taller by an inch or two..." I answered speaking lovingly of my dear twin brother.
"Sounds like to me I should have fallen for him instead of your stubborn tight ass.." he laughed.
"H-hey!" I said offended.
"I'm kidding! I love you Lumine, the way you are. Your are the kindest most loving person I've ever meet. Your driven, if you have a goal you make it.. Your amaizng Lumine.." he smiled.
"T-This is supposed to be me cheering you up..." I blushed.
"Complimenting you makes me just as happy... Loving you, is even better.." he said before kissing my neck.
I knew what he wanted. I wanted to Scold him for being dirty, for suggesting something like that so late in the night. I could feel my fever. It was still high, yet I wanted it just as much. What's this feeling? Is it love?
It's so intense. I want it.. I know it's dirty, I know we shouldn't, yet I want it so bad. He shouldn't be kissing my neck like this.. I shouldn't be enjoying it..
he shouldn't be pressing my bed down to the bed, I shouldn't be noticing he's only in his boxers...
None of this should be. Yet it is. And I'm enjoying it..
"Ahhh~" I moaned as he pressed his crotch to my clothed pussy.
The panties and boxers being our only protection from skin to skin.
"Lumine are you okay?" He asked.
His voice was husky.. it was so hot.
"Mhm!" I nodded I wanted it so bad I wasn't even embarrassed.
"Your fever though..." he now was worried.
"No no please.. Pleasee~ I-I'll be fine~ just fine~ W-we'll make it quick..." I begged.
I didn't realize how needy I sounded. I didn't realize what he's done to me. I already wanted it again? It's because I'm sick. Yes of course. That's why I want him so bad.
"Alright.. I'll be gentle.." he slide his hand down to my panties.
He pressed his finger to my slit.
"They're wet.." he softly chuckled.
"Mmm~ H-hurry.." I whimpered.
He pulled my panties down and shuffled his boxers off. He was looking at me with hunger in his eyes. He put his fingers to my slit.
"No prep! I'm fine! I'm fine I promise! Come on~ slip it in~" I held my legs out.
I shouldn't be saying these things. What's gotten into me? Seriously what's wrong with me.. I shouldn't be letting this happen. I'm spending the night at his house again.. He's going to.. His condom was slipped on. He pressed himself to my entrance.
Slowly using his hand to push in. I held onto him as he fully pressed in.
"Ahhh~ Oh~" I moaned as he pressed his hips into mine.
My head was spinning. I could barely think. But I could feel it all. He slowly moved his hips, rutting into me and holding me down. Kissing my neck and softly sucking and biting.
"Ajax~" I moaned into his ear.
He didn't stop his slow pace or kissing. And I loved it. It was slow but if he went any faster I'd get too dizzy. This was perfect.
He began rubbing at my tummy. Pressing into where his cock was hitting my deep insides.
"Ahhh~ Ajax~" that felt amazing.
I could probably cum on his size alone, but him thrusting and rubbing just made it so much better,
"Does that feel good?~"
He asked.
"Mmmm~ Ahh it does~ it feels amazing~" I answered and held onto him.
"I forgot how tight you were~" he smirked.
Seems like he must be really into dirty talk.
"Mm~ Y-you feel so good compared to my fingers~" I decided I'd give him exactly what he wanted.
"How many times have you used your fingers thinking about me~" his interest had been pecked.
"Ahh~ E-every now and then~ I-I couldn't help it..." I moaned.
"Who knew you were so dirty.." he smirked.
"What do you think about hmm?~" he chuckled before thrusting again.
"Ahh~ A-about you touching me~ Pleasuring me and punishing me for being so dirty~" I bite my lip.
I couldn't help but he vulgar.
"God your adorable.." he sighed as he picked his pace up.
"Your sick now but as soon as your well again you'll be punished for being dirty~" he said.
It excited me. I shouldn't be doing this! I really shouldn't. But I cant stop myself!
"Ahhh~ I'm close~ Ajaxxxxx~" I whined as I came.
I felt him cum in his condom. That familiar warmth as he stuffed himself deep into me, if he was trying to get his cum deep but plastic got in the way.
We both panted.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Mmm.. Tired.." I nodded.
He picked me up off the bed.
"Let's get your cleaned up.. I don't want you catching a cold after this fever.." he smiled lovingly at me.
And so he cleaned me. Using warm water to wash me off and giving me some medicine to reduce my fever. He cleaned himself up too but giving me my panties back.
"We should get you more panties for over here.." he chuckled.
"Mmm pervert..." I giggled.
"Oh am I the pervert here?" He laughed before bringing me back to the bed.
He pulled me into him and I snuggled in.
"I love you..." I softly whispered.
"I love you too.." he kissed my forehead.

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