Chapter 14

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Lumine's pov:

I stretched out as I woke up. Arms around me moving and I heard a grunt. I sat up and looked next to me. A messy haired Ajax was sleeping soundly. I looked at the time. I woke up a few minutes before the alarm so I turned it off. Wanting to wake him up in a gentler way.
"Ajax.." I whispered as I kissed his forehead.
His eyes slowly opened and they meet mine.
"Good morning.." I smiled down at him.
"You're my wife..." he reached up and cupped my face.
"Yes I am.. and you're my husband.." I chuckled.
"I'm so lucky.." he said as he sat up.
The blanket was still covering up to his waist. He pulled me into his lap and wrapped a another blanket around me.
"Excited for today?" He asked.
"Very!" I nodded.
We had brunch with everyone and then we leave to go on our honeymoon!
"We better get ready huh?.." he sighed and pulled me in close.
"Mhmm~" I chuckled and kissed him.
"I can't hold you naked all day?" He pouted.
"No no... but there will be plenty of time on our honey moon~ maybe even some sex on the beach~" I kissed him.
"My my.. how naughty..." he smirked.
He got up out of bed and so did I. We made our way to the shower. Unfortunately not enough time for more love making. But I forgot to clean up afterwards.. that's when it hit me. I didn't take my birth control or the plan b just in case. Anxiety shot through my chest. There's no chance.. I mean one missed pill should be no biggy.. I'm sure it'll be fine.
"Is something wrong lumi?" Ajax asked as he turned the water off.
"No no! Just lost in thought!" I nervously chuckled.
He nodded and we both went to get ready. I put on a white sweater. It's was soft and comfy but not too baggy. Very casual and not a uncomfortable material. I wore brown leggings on the bottom and slipped on fluffy boats.
I brushed my hair out and placed in two pearl earrings, a wedding gift from aether. I wore them all yesteday.. I'll never not wear them!
"Honey are you ready?" Ajax asked as he came into the bathroom.
Goodness he was breath taking. A black turtle neck that was tight fitted and grey slacks that I knew were tailored to him perfectly..
His turtle neck sleeves were rolled up a bit. And goodness, he slicked his hair back on one side like he did yesterday.
"Take a picture if you want~" he smirked.
"I love your hair like that.." I said as I walked up to him.
"Your dressed up so nicely..." I said looking at him.
"Mmm.. but this fits you well, I wouldn't want you in anything else.." he smiled.
"I hate that this sweater covers your butt though.." he said as he spun me around.
"Goodness you and leggings..." I sighed.
"You can't wear them to the office! It's a rare occurrence! It must be appreciated when it happens!!" He acted all dramatic.
"Come on lets go to brunch! I'm hungry!" I smiled.
"Why do you have to cover up the marks?" He asked.
"Because I don't want your parents or my parents.. or my brother!! Seeing the left markings from last night.." I sighed.
He frowned.
"We got married yesterday- everyone knows I'm yours~" I chuckled.
We made our way downstairs to the lobby and walked to one of the restaurant built into the resort. They were known for breakfast and lunch. So having a brunch here was perfect.
"Ah the newly weds! Your room is all ready a guest is already in the room!" The host smiled as we approached.
We followed him to the private room we booked. Who's here already? Aether? No Zhongli would be with him. We opened the doors and walked in. I nearly fell over when I saw who it was.
"Well, well, well.. looks like I was right after all. His little personal assistant was his slut after all." Signora glared at us.
"A-Ajax what is she doing here?" I turned to him.
"What do you want." He glared at her as he pulled me in tight.
"You dropped me for this? A little slut who slept her way to the top. It was easy to figure out thoma wasn't who she was after. He's sleeping with your publicist." He said.
"Don't call her that. Signora this is crossing the line of business partners." He looked so angry.
"Oh? Come on pretty girl, tell him how you got the interview at his high up company. You're smart I'll give you that. You can keep up with the work. But at that time they weren't looking for personal assistant. He already had one. So how'd you get that interview hmm?" Signora drank more from her glass.
I looked down nervously.
"Lumine?" He looked to me.
"I-I didn't know okay.. I wasn't trying to.. I just.. I was desperate for a job and I-" I looked away.
"W-What happened?.. what is she talking about?" He asked.
"I-it's not what she thinks. I went out with this guy who.. he worked for you, he said he could get me an interview! So of course I said yes! I-I didn't know he was going to fire her! I didn't know y-you didn't need a personal assistant!" I explained rushed.
It's true. I dated a guy for a small time after college. He got me an interview at the 11th Fatui company. He said I'd be interviewing for the position of being the ceos assistant manager. I had no idea there was already a girl who had the job. He was high up in the company and well, fired her so I could work there.
She ended up filing against him and he lost his job, and we broke up since he lied to me. I didn't like him much anyway.. But I've always felt bad, she didn't want her position back, so I just kept quiet about it.
"We'll talk about it later... I don't think you'd ever do something terrible like that. I believe you.." he kissed me.
"Ugh gag me with a fork. Fine fine so maybe she's a little innocent. But you know it's against company policies for the ceo to have a relationship with an employee." She threatened.
"P-Please done report him! W-What do you want?" I asked desperate.
"Well it's too late. You guys are already married..." she sighed.
"But you know I'll take one kiss from him and I'll let this all slide~" she smirked.
"What do you gain from that?" I was so upset at the request.
"Knowing that you have to live with that your husband kissed me the day after your marriage~" she had an evil smile.
Was it worth it? Was it worth us losing everything. I looked to him. He seemed upset but then he looked to me.
"J-Just do it.. I don't want your company hurt because of this.. because we fell in love and got married." I cried.
"I.. I don't want to.." he held me tight.
"P-Please anything else please why are you doing this to us! You already had your fun with him! And you bullied me! Please, leave us alone!" I cried.
She looked at me and sighed.
"She really is good. I see why you fell for her manipulative tactics. It's so easy to look at her beings so earnest and want to give into her." She sighed.
"You make this no fun.." Signora got up and began to walk towards us.
"Fine. I've got a big deal coming up that I'll need your help with. Keep helping my company generously and I'll keep quiet." She said as she left.
I was in shock. My crying had stopped.
I looked to Ajax.
"That bitch.. that was her plan from the beginning... trying to break us up one more time but I think she knew she couldn't do anything. That's why she threatened the business.." I've seen him quite upset before but not like this.
It was a little scary to be honest. I hope he's never mad at me like this.
"Ajax.." I placed my hand on his chest.
"Sorry.. this is going to be a great day okay? Let's not let her ruin this for us..." he said as he pulled me into a hug.
I hugged him back and sighed. He softly rubbed my back and then the door opened. We looked over to see aether and Zhongli.
"Aether!" I ran over to him.
I embraced him tightly. He hugged me back.
"Good morning to you too.." he chuckled.
"W-We had a run in with the women who tried to mess up lumi and my relationship a while ago." Ajax explained as he walked over to us.
"The one that was mentioned as "her" when lumi was in the hospital?" Aether asked.
"Yeah.." I nodded my head.
"What happened?" Zhongli asked.
We then explained the entire situation to aether and Zhongli. Aether comforted me and Zhongli too gave us some words of encouragement.
"She's probably jealous that she isn't as pretty as lumi.." aether said offended by her actions towards me.
I chuckled. Soon people began to gather into the restaurant.
"There's my new daughter!" Tonya hugged me tightly.
I felt a little embarrassed but happy to now be apart of the family.
"Lumine!" Tuecer ran at me holding his arms out.
"Tuecer!" I picked him up, I held him on my waist.
"Wow I've already been replaced! I didn't think this would happen til he was much older..." Ajax sighed as he teased Tuecer.
"I-I still love you big brother!" Tuecer said quickly.
"Ajax don't tease him~" I giggled.
We all sat down and Tuecer really wanted to sit by me so i allowed it. It was fun talking with him and everyone during brunch.
"Goodness these makes me think what your children will look like!" Our two moms were talking.
My face flushed.
"All my children got their dads looks.. They only got my eyes.." Tonya chuckled.
She was right she has dark orangish hair and her children has bright orange with blue eyes.
His father was the reason some of them had freckles and pale skin.
"I was so upset when I got my first born and he looked just like his father!" Tonya giggled.
"My children look just like me and their father.." my mom smiled at me.
Speaking of children... God I really hope last night isn't going to result in children. I want children but right now isn't a good time.. it might stress him out.
"Lumine are you okay dear? You look sick.." my mom asked.
"I-I'm fine! Sorry just lost in thought!" I chuckled.
"You said that early too.. are you sure your okay?" He asked as he placed his hand on my forehead.
"I'm fine I promise!" I pecked his lips.
"Awww you two are just so cute!" Amber coed.
I giggled.
"Ready to go sweetie?"
"Lumine?" I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Sorry! What?" I asked looking around.
"Okay what's going on... you know you can talk to me." He said as he got close pining me against the window.
I bite my bottom lip nervously. Pulling a bit of skin off.
"I.. I forgot to take my birth control and plan b last night.." I confessed.
He looked at me for a few seconds.
"Oh." He said with a blank stare.
"Well... is that a bad thing?.." he asked.
I looked up to him confused.
"W-what if I get pregnant?" I asked worried.
"So? I love kids... and you know I'd love to have kids with you. And if you're not ready that's okay. I'll support your decision. But know if you are, I'm here." He brought me in close.
"Ajax... it's a very low chance I'm just worried. You'd be out of an assistant- I'd be a mom and you'd be so busy.." I said worried.
"Lumi.. don't worry your pretty head about it. It's a low chance. If it happens we will deal with it then okay?" He smiled.
I sighed.
"You're right.. thank you.." i smiled.
"Now let's get going to that warm beach!" He smiled.
"Yay! I'm so excited! It's freezing here... beautiful but cold!" I laughed.
"Here you're all bundled up, I wanna see you in that cute bikini you own~" he said as he opened our hotel door.
"Eww.." aether groaned.
"A-Aether!" I said shocked.
"I was stopping by to say goodbye before everyone else did downstairs but seems I made a mistake..." he rolled his eyes.
"Oh hush I've walked in on you and Zhongli more times then I can count.." I sighed.
Aether just laughed.
"Goodbye... text me when you get there! Send pics! Appropriate ones..." he rolled his eyes.
I laughed and hugged him.
"Okay okay! I'll see you later!" He said as he walked away.

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