Chapter 15

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Lumine's POV:

"Welcome Mr. And Mrs. Tartaglia! Congratulations on your marriage! We are so honored you choose us for your honeymoon!" We we're greeted by the manager of the tropical resort.
They are under tartaglias company. Not completely but we fund this resort chain a lot and I've always wanted to visit this one. One a warm beach, tropics, seafood! Everything!
"Thank you!" I smiled.
Tartaglia kept his business smile on. When he's a business man he doesn't talk much. I would do most the talking for him.
We were shown to our suite. It was absolutely beautiful. Inside there was a tropic fruit basket and champagne.
"Look you can see the ocean!" I ran to look out the window.
"It's beautiful!" I looked at the sparkling ocean.
"Not as beautiful as you..." he kissed me.
"Mmmm.." we leaned into each other.
"I think we should change.." I pulled away.
We were both still in our traveling outfits and they had to be warm since it's so cold in Snezniya,
"Into a bikini right?" He smirked.
"God.. yes yes.." I rolled my eyes.
He watched as I walked away and opened my suit case. Carefully studying what I pulled out. But it was in a bag so he couldn't see. I thought it was kinda cute, sometimes he acts like a little boy who's seeing boobs for the first time. I changed into a pretty white bikini. It's a bit skimpy on the top. My chest looks nice and full in this and the bottoms lay perfectly on me.
I tiled a blue beach scarf around my waist to be a little modest on the bottom half while walking around the resort.
"What do you think?~" I asked as I stepped out.
"You look amazing.." he smirked as he walked up to me he now was in his swim trunks.
"What do you want to do first?" He asked.
"The beach and some drinks!" I cheered.
"Alright! Let's celebrate!" He smiled.
We both went down stairs to the lobby and quickly found the bar that was connected to the pool and to the beach that was a few hundred feet from the pool.
"Hi! What can I get started for you guys?" The bartender smiled at us.
"I'll take a Moscow mule." He said.
Ahh a drink he gets often. Everywhere and I think it's because it's a common drink in his country.
"Hmm.. I'll take a sex on the beach!" I smiled.
Ajax coughed a little but then handed him his credit card.
"Open or close?" The bartender asked.
Ajax looked to me.
"Open!" I smiled.
"You heard the lady.." Ajax chuckled.
The bartender laughed and began his work. We waited a few minutes before he handed us our drinks.
"Is this a hint?" Ajax smirked.
I giggled.
"Maybe~ or maybe I really like peach and cranberry.." I teased him.
"Follow me~" he pulled me along til we came across and few beach huts.
"You were thinking ahead.." I chuckled when I saw the sign on the hut said Tartaglia.
It was really nice. Cream colored thick curtains that created privacy. Inside was a wooden floor, two cushioned beach chairs, and a sofa. There was a fan and water bottles.
Ajax closed the curtain so no one could see in.
"Neat huh?" He smirked.
"Oh very~ too bad you couldn't do me right against the beach waves.." I frowned.
"Mmm we'll go to a private beach next time.." he kissed me.
He played with my bikini straps.
"We need to enjoy the beach first hmm? Knowing you.. theses bottoms are going to be filled when your done..." I looked up to him.
"You're right about that~ okay okay.." he smirked and we excited the hut.
"The sun feels so good!" I stretched out.
I turned around to see him watching me. I smiled and reached for his hand, pulling him towards the water with me. My toes hit the water and I sighed.
"The water feels nice.."
he pulled me into a kiss. I was a little surprised but kissed him back.
"What's up with you?" I chuckled.
"I just can't believe your my wife. I'm incredibly happy." He smiled.
My face flushed and I turned away and walked until my knees were submerged in the water. He was watching me so closely. Watching my every movement. Even when I bent over and began looking for sea shells. It's didn't take too long before I found a beautiful blue shell.
"Look!" I proudly held out my hands with the shell in them.
As if I did anything but be in the right place at the right time. He looked down into my hands. He smiled at me, "It's beautiful.."
"Put it in your pocket for me?" I asked and he took the shell from my hands.
I went back to searching. Doing my best to keep my eye out for any pretty shell. I found some broken ones, some boring ones... But I was cheer everytime I found a pretty one. I showed him each one and he would put them in his pockets. My eye caught the sparkle on the ocean floor. I quickly leaned down to grab the sparkling object when a wave came crashing into me. Right into my face and soaking me. I squeaked in surprise. Jumping from the cold feeling of the water. My hair was wet now..
Ajax was giggling but helped me up and wipe the water from my face.
"My hairs all wet..." I sighed.
"Oh no.. a disaster.." he said as he pulled me into a kiss.
"Mmm... you want to kiss me even like this?" I chuckled.
"Why wouldn't I? You're in a bikini dripping wet surrounded by a beautiful ocean color that compliments every part of you.." he said.
"Y-You're so cheesy.." I blushed.
"And you married me for it~" he said as he pulled me back to the beach.
"Do we have this just for the day?" I asked.
"Nope! Our whole stay it's apart of the package." He said as he pulled me in.
"I'll be honest it feels a bit weird that you planned this.." I chuckled.
"Oh you'll be so proud of me. I really went all out. I promise I didn't hire anyone. I really planned it all myself!" He looked so pleased with himself.
"I'm excited! What's planned today Mr. Tartagllia?" I smiled.
"Today is pretty relaxed. So shopping, a relaxing dinner then a dip in the hot tube.." He replied.
"Ohh shopping?" I looked up to him.
"Yes, there is a beautiful outdoor tourist shopping mall. Would you like to go now?" He asked.
"Yes please! I want to get something for Aether! Oh and something for your siblings!" I was so excited.
We walked back to the hotel and I finished off my drink when Ajax closed the tab. When we got to the hotel room I rinsed the sand off my body and put on a light blue sun dress. It hugged underneath my breast and was flowy down to my mid thigh. I slipped on white sandal wedges. Only got two more inches of height but I'm just use to wearing heels at work.
"You look stunning..." He said as he came behind me. His hands coming around me but he was holding something. I looked and saw a sparkling heart necklace. He put it around my neck and clasped it. His fingertips brushed my collar bone as he adjusted the necklace. It was a simple golden chain that connected to the side of the heart on each side. The gems where a sparkling clear. Tiny little gems.
"It's beautiful..." I walked to the mirror so I could see it on myself better.
"I love you.." He kissed my cheek.
I turned around and whispered the words back onto his lips before pressing mine against his. My heart was beating so fast. He's truly mine. I remember crying over him. But he's all mine now. His gaze follows me, his scent will always be in our bed. His bed head will be for my eyes only. His cranky face when he's had one too many meetings will be my problem to solve... And I can't wait for every little thing.
"Let's get going my beautiful wife..." He held his hand out to me. He brought me to lobby and a car was waiting for us. Ajax loved driving so he would be driving. He still opened the passenger door for me.
After a short drive we arrived by the beach but a bunch of shops on a board walk were lining the beach. I was so excited I got out of the car and took my phone out for a photo.
"Excited to shop?" Ajax laughed.
"Very! Come here I want a photo with you!" I rush to him and Ajax took the phone from my hand and held it in front of us. I leaned up pressing a kiss to cheek for the photo. And then one with me just smiling hugging him tightly. I showed him the two photos.
"I like those!" He nodded.
"Me too! I think we should get as many photos as possible!" I said as I grabbed his hand and we began walking to the start of the board walk.
"I wanna make a photo album of our honeymoon!" I smiled.
He smiled at me warmly.
"You're so adorable.." he leaned down and kissed the top of my head.
When we got to the beginning of it all, I was a little overwhelmed. There was a lot of stores. Tropical music was playing through speakers. And it seemed every women had a drink in her hands. I held onto Ajax's hand tightly.
"Don't lose me okay?" I chuckled.
"I could never!" He laughed.
We began walking down. Checking out the stores and stalls. As we walked I was drawn towards a good smelling shop.
"Hello ma'am! Interested in smelling good and having clear skin?" One of the sales girls came up to me.
"Oh! Sure!" I smiled and I pulled Ajax into the store.
"Please look around! Let me know if you need any help! Today we have a special on our tropic sugar body scrub! It makes your skin soft and clean of desd skin!" The girl smiled brightly.
"Thank you!" I smiled and began to look around.
"Sugar scrub?" Ajax looked to me.
"Yes, god I love them. My skin feels so soft after it!" I giggled.
"Oh? Then we should get some." He smirked.
My face flushed a little at what he was hinting at. I nodded and kept looking. Finding a few things I liked but I only got the sugar scrub and matching scented body butter.
"Thank you!" The girl smiled as we left.
We kept shopping around. I ended up with a pina colada. And Ajax held the bags as we shopped. We didn't get much. Just a few clothes and I found a leather bracelet with an ocean pearl. It was similar to the earrings aether got me so I bought to give to him.
"Okay we need to get going, we have a dinner reservation..." he kissed me.
"Okay!" I nodded and giggled.
Ajax pulled my drink from my hand.
"You've had enough.." he said as he held me close.
Oh goodness I think I am getting tipsy. I'm a light weight so I assume he's gotten use to my tolerance.
"That was so good!" I smiled as I stretched out.
His voice was husky and deep it sounded like he was demanding me to answer. I turned around and meet his eyes. I almost choked on his scent. He looked like he was going to devour me. I was teasing him a little during dinner. Rubbing the til of my shoe up and down his leg. And eating my food in a.. slightly seductive manner. The food was good but he seemed antsy to get his hands on me since earlier today.
"Ajax?" I looked up to him.
He looked like he was trying to decide if he should degrade me or praise me. But his face softened. Ohh, I'm being worshipped tonight. Without another beat he swept me off my feet and brought me to the bathroom.
"I know I said hot tub but let's take a bath.." he said as he placed me down.
He turned the hot water on and the tub began to fill.
"Go get what you need... I'll get this ready.." I shyly pushed him out of the bathroom.
I noticed early when I went to the bathroom that they had a few bath bombs and bath mix's. I saw the rose one and poured it into the bath. The petals floated to the top and the rest of the mix made the bath look milky. Romantic.. the lights were a soft yellow and dim. This was definitely made for a romantic night.
I took my dress off and I heard the door open. I turned around as I let my dress fall to the floor. I looked away and slide my panties down.
"Fuck Lumine.." he set everything down on the sink counter and came behind me. Pressing my naked body back into his still clothed body.
I looked up as he wrapped his arms around the front of me. I looked to the counter. Condoms, champagne, and the bag I got from that sugar scrub store. Oh he was serious..
"Undress... I'm getting cold.." I whined.
He chuckled and kissed my neck before pushing me away and slapping my ass. I looked back at him. He only winked and it made me blush. I dipped my toes into the water. This bath tub is huge. I mean really how big does a bath tub need to be? This is basically a hot tub! I sat down in the tub and sighed at the warm water.
"Feel good?" He asked as he sat two glasses of champagne on corner of the tub. It had a table like place for drinks. Which he also placed the body scrub and butter. And of course the condoms. Maybe what I told him earlier scared him? I mean we don't use condoms often. Since I'm on the pill and take plan b when I'm close to ovulation we don't worry. But he bright condoms..
I was pulled from my thoughts when he pulled me into his lap. I felt his hardness right under my butt. If I spread my legs just a little it would come through my thighs. And I did. Letting it sit right between me.
"Let me wash you first.." he said as he grabbed the sugar scrub. He grabbed some in his hand and placed it on my chest. Rubbing it around. I relaxed into his hands but he began rolling his finger tips on my nipples.
"A-Ajax.." I whimpered.
"Relax... don't worry I'll get every inch of you.." he grabbed more and began rubbing my shoulders and arms. But my chest ached for more attention. So did in between my legs.
"Your tense.." he spoke into my ear.
"I want you to touch me.."
"I am baby..." he rubbed my shoulders.
"T-That's not where I want.."
he's being a little mean. But he probably wants me to beg.
"Where then darling?~" he nipped at my ear.
How does he always manage to make me feel so embarrassed? I took his hand and guided it to my chest and moved his other under the water.
He rewarded me by pressing his finger to my clit. I sucked in sharply as he began softly rubbing his finger up and down my clit. Occasionally swirling his finger around it. His other hand squishy my chest.
"Mmm~" I moaned as I leaned my head back.
"Lumi~ you're so pretty like this~" he praised me.
"You're all mine now~ My wife will be walking around the office all day long and no one can have her but me. Everyone will know. We should get your name place changed.." he said as he began to use the warm water the wash the sugar scrub of me.
"Ahh!~" I moaned loudly when he slipped his length right into me.
"W-Warn me first! Y-You're hard to take in all at once.." I whimpered.
"You've had me enough~ you know how to take it~" he rubbed his hips up into me. I moved myself against him to. Then I realized he didn't put on a condom. Should I tell him? Or should I not worry? I'll be taking the birth control after this..
"What's wrong?" His movement stopped.
"Um.. I-I'm not sure.. Did I scare you earlier? You got the condoms out.. that we never use- but didn't put one on..."
He looked to the box and nervously to me.
"I... I'm not sure why I brought them out. You're right. We never use them." He said.
"I don't want to ruin the mood., Let's talk about this later.." I said and turned myself around so I was sitting in his lap.
He nodded and then moved his hands onto my hips, the sex was great. He really knows how to use his length. He has me whimpering and orgasming in just a few minutes. And he showed no mercy. Going until he came which at that point I had finished three times. Then I got to relax into him with a glass of champagne.
Finally all cleaned up and in the big hotel suite bed, Ajax still seemed to be thinking about earlier,
"Need to talk about it?" I asked.
"Now that we are married... What are our next steps? What are striving for next? What our goals as a married couple now.." he asked,
"I'm not even sure. I like working. I'm turning 29 next year.. I don't want to start late on a family but I also feel like we shouldn't rush? I want to have a family with you. I want little children running around with you.." I chuckled.
"I've always wanted a big family.." he smiled.
"I-I think, I should get off birth control.. No condoms. If it happens, it happens. But we won't try for it, you know?" I looked at him.
"I agree." He pulled me close into him.
"I love you so much..." he kissed me.
"I love you too!" I couldn't help but smile.
I fit so well in his arms. God everything is so perfect. I'm so happy. I hope this never ends..

The end

Book two coming soon!
Filled with angst, drama, kinky sex, and Chilumi babies?!

I hope you read the second book! While you wait I have a two new Chilumi/Xiather book coming out! I hope you read them!! I'll go through and edit this book as well! Also adding in a bonus chapter the tropical get away that was mentioned in the earlier chapters! It's also filled with spice and angst! Thank you for your support! ❤️

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