Chapter 1

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Author's note: Hello, english is not my first language, so bear with the wrong grammar. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Anyways, this story was omegaverse in the modern era, however, it's just a subplot, and the story was mainly focused on the growth of the characters, so it will just appear when needed.


Chapter 1:

"Let's break up."

Scaramouche feels like the world suddenly stops.

What has he just heard right now?

Break up?

Aether's cold eyes give Scaramouche chills.

These are not the eyes that always stared at Scaramouche.

"We are just going to ruin each other." Aether continued. His words continue to pierce through Scara's heart.

Aether said the words that Scaramouche doesn't want to hear from him, before and still now.

Yes. They were pretending to be a real couple. Yes. Their relationship was transactional, a give-and-take at that. Both received the same amount of affection.

However, all of it was an act. An act to make their friends believe that they were seriously dating. They made this deal with no feelings attached.

Scaramouche wanted to scream. How he was going to deal with this?

Fuck that no feelings attached, he fell in love with those fake antics that Aether does to him. He was clearly an idiot, knowing that it was an act yet he gaslighted himself with the thinking of maybe, Aether had feelings for him because he did this as if it was the most casual thing to do in the world.

What did he receive in the end? Aether is sick at this children's game. He was taking it all back.

Scaramouche takes a deep breath to compose himself. They were still on the school ground, he couldn't make a scene out of anger, nor could he cry and kneel before Aether to beg.

"Hmm... Sure, let's break up." Scaramouche smiled as if it was no big deal. His voice didn't crack. He was relieved.

Aether said that they would just ruin each other, he would buy it.

Whatever Aether was thinking, Scaramouche had no will to know about it. Even his heart hurts like it was being shredded into pieces.

It's not like they were a mate where the omega can't handle being separated in his alpha arms. Aether didn't mark Scaramouche as his. They were just a fuck buddies while pretending to be a couple.

Surely, it wasn't a big deal...



It was Valentine's Day at school. When Scaramouche who was rushing to go to his room after the meeting of the council ended accidentally bumped into a guy.

The said guy turns out to be Lumine's brother, Aether from another building. Though Scaramouche apologized, Aether stared at him with annoyance, surely, it was fine to be annoyed, however, the words that were left by the blond guy were harsh.

"Are you blind?" Scaramouche stops walking toward his room. He looked back and stared at the blond guy who also stopped walking and was staring at him.

Scaramouche had to stop himself from snapping. He should be continuing to go to his room but it seems like this guy wanted a fight.

"I was rushing that I didn't see you, I'm sorry."

Scaraether: Would've, Could've, Should'veWhere stories live. Discover now