Chapter 2

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Unfortunately, the four council members didn't return which made Scaramouche angry as he closed the door of the office earlier. Tomorrow, he will nag them all day, say all they want that he was acting like a mother, he doesn't care.

'Should I go home now?' Scaramouche was seating on an empty bench, eating some convenience store food. His surroundings were all dark, it was already 8 pm. His mom will probably call him and ask him where he is right now, which he was waiting for because he doubts a bus will appear at such late night.

Is this the feeling of not having someone to fetch you?

Somehow, that thought appeared in his mind.

Scaramouche remembered some of his friends being fetched by their partners, some of them even ditch their work or were waiting since earlier just to pick their lovers at the university.

"Wow, I'm envious," Scaramouche muttered. His everyday life, it's always full of couples. Every one of his classmates had a partner, you can even count how many students in his class are single.

The sleepover in Lumine's house was probably full of couples too. Thinking about it made Scaramouche annoyed as he remembered what happened earlier.

Can't people live as single? Why do they need a partner? Now Scaramouche was feeling lonely because of them. And that he should find someone too.

While Scaramouche was eating, a car stopped in front of him. He didn't pay attention to it as it was probably the lover of someone in the school, picking them up.

Scaramouche looks at his phone vibrate and opens it. Revealing Childe, his neighbor, and friend who sent him a message.

Childe: Comrade, my boyfriend picked me up.

Scaramouche rolled his eyes.

Childe: I couldn't fetch you, so I disturbed someone

Scaramouche becomes curious. Who the heck is the ginger disturbed? He continued to scroll down and see the text that almost made him throw his phone out.

Childe: I disturbed Aether, you won't be angry with me right? I'm sorry xoxo 😭😭😭

All of the people to disturb, the one that was getting on Scaramouche's nerves is the one he decided to disturb?

"I'm going to kill this man."

Scaramouche mentally notes to choke Childe when he sees him tomorrow.

What's up with him? The ginger knows he hated Aether, yet dare to do this? If he can't pick him up, he could just walk or wait for a bus, though he was lazy.

Scaramouche let out a heavy sigh.

He is going to wait for Aether to fetch him up like some lover waiting for their partner to show up. Hah! Scaramouche can't even imagine Aether fetching him up, heck, and Scaramouche's pride will not allow him to be fetched by someone he hates the most.

He is someone who holds grudges after all.

Scaramouche rushingly ate the burger. He doesn't even have time to swallow it and continued to bite the bread, making his cheeks plump as he chewed them.

"Done eating?" A cold voice suddenly appeared.

"Huh?" Scaramouche let out a confused sound. He looks back and becomes speechless.

The one he was supposed to ditch...

The one who gets on his nerves...

The one who he never imagines fetching him up...

Scaraether: Would've, Could've, Should'veWhere stories live. Discover now