Chapter 6

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AN: Sorry for the late update, ive been busy with my studies since our exam is near. Anyways, sleepover at Scara's house. :)


"Really, it's nothing." Scaramouche continues to deny his friends' accusations against him. Who wouldn't though? Albedo, the person he didn't expect to be active with said that Scaramouche and Aether were having a secret relationship and were caught by them. Because, in his eyes, they were having a lover's quarrel.

'This couple is getting on my nerves.'

Scaramouche wanted to cry. What the hell they would think Scaramouche would go out with Aether? He's not that stupid. They know how much Scaramouche hated Aether's guts.

"But when we saw you together, it seems like you two are arguing." Childe didn't even help, he just added fuel to the fire.

"Yeah, I was so shocked when I saw Aether together with you."

"I thought you hated Lumine's brother's guts?" Tighnari asked while they were walking towards the door of Scaramouche's house.

"Maybe Kuni was pretending to be annoyed at his presence," Signora commented. It sounded so sure that Aether and Scaramouche were having something.

Scaramouche glared at Signora at the sudden call of his nickname. Goodness, they were noisy.

Scaramouche wanted them to shut up for a second but he continued to be silent until they reached the open door and went inside.

"Is this why Aether agreed to me when I say can he pick up Scara?" Childe absent-mindedly said. The others who heard it look at the ginger, back to Scaramouche who is silent.

"I did request him last night to pick Kuni up too," Lumine added, nodding her head.

"But he ended up showing up with a girl last night right?" Scaramouche bitterly muttered.

"So, the two of you fight because of it?" Of course, his friends misinterpreted it.

"Of course not! It's different!"

"We're so worried about you, but seems like you're enjoying your life." Mona smiles mischievously.

Him enjoying his life because he was with Aether?

This is going somewhere. he thought. Scaramouche was alerted.

Scaramouche would not make that happen. Not in his parents' presence.

"Is Kazuha here?" Scaramouche asked, changing the topic.

Much to his dismay, Lumine shakes her head.

"Unfortunately no, he said he needed to fix something."

"Kazuha was an innocent person, why the hell would he get involved with his parents' problem," Signora muttered. Seems like Kazuha already told them about it.

"Right, forcing their son to marry someone." Tighnari shook his head.

Ei and Yae Miko look at the group who enter the house and smiled. Beside them was Faruzan helping them arrange the dishes on the table. Seems like they will be having dinner together with his friends.

"How's the work?" Ei asked as she checked Scaramouche's forehead, worried that his illness will be back.

"It's fine," Scaramouche replied. "Why Faruzan was here?" He glanced at his cousin who pouted at his question.

As far as he knows, Faruzan was busy with her studies in Sumeru, why she is here?

"Your Aunt Nahida asks if Faruzan can stay here for a while, she had been brainstorming in her studies that Nahida was so worried." No wonder, his aunt Nahida easily got worried at such easy matters.

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