Chapter 8

443 11 3

bitches and bitchless


Let's hang out!

heizou will be there as well


Scaramouche replied 'cool' as he proceed to find an outfit to wear. He was not particularly interested in meeting this so-called Heizou but as he remember what Aether told him about this guy, he was curious to know what kind of person this Heizou was.

He wore a white long-sleeve shirt that he matched with a purple vest sweater to compliment his hair color as well his porcelain skin and wore black high-waisted pants. Of course, he will not forget his combat boots.

"This looks like something that Aether would wear." He mumbled while staring at his body mirror.

He recalled most of Aether's casual outfits outside of the school. If it's not a cardigan, it's either a vest or coat that matches his aesthetic. Somehow, his outfit right now reminds him of Aether.

Speaking of the blond. Aether stop bothering him this past few weeks. After Scaramouche asked him if he was making excuses, he didn't show up anymore. Even though he was expecting the blond to show up in Cupid Arrow's cafe that night, he didn't.

He didn't show up the next day either, and the next, next day too. Scaramouche didn't even see a glimpse of him for a whole week. Nor even heard someone say his name. He didn't see him with Ayaka also.

Scaramouche rolled his eyes. Whatever.

It's not like it bothered him.

Scaramouche was the first one to arrive at their meeting place. It was not shocking as he was the usual first one to show up in every gathering they have.

He sipped at the fruit tea that he ordered. His attention was immediately on his phone which vibrated, indicating that someone texted him.

He opened his phone and let out a confused sound.


He got a text from an unknown number. And what's funny? The context.


Break up with Aether.

He almost laughed like crazy. Scaramouche and Aether weren't even in a relationship to even break. Of course, Aether offer him to pretend they are dating each other but it didn't even start so what the fuck?


Who is this? How did you know my number?

The unknown number didn't reply. He waited for some minutes but still no reply.

Scaramouche rolled his eyes. Did this unknown and he knows each other? Scaramouche doesn't remember giving his number to someone aside from his friends. He doubts his friends have the guts to give someone his number because he will kill them if he knew they are the ones who gives this unknown person his number.

To an unknown number who is spouting nonsense in the text.

bitchless and bitches

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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