Chapter 4

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"What time is it?" Scaramouche asked Yoimiya as he go to the counter to give back the tray. He has been here for hours, serving and doing things like a waiter will do.

"It's almost 7 pm." Yoimiya looks warily at the only table who have two individual seating the chair. "Don't they have a plan to leave?" She whispered.

Scaramouche glanced at the people to whom Yoimiya was talking. It was Aether and Ayaka who still had not gone to the cafe until now.

"I don't think so. Let's just wait here." Scaramouche shrugged his shoulder. He was tired of arguing with someone. And Yoimiya said earlier than 7:30 was the closing time of the cafe.

He was even more worried because the two had been here all day because as far as he remembered, they had classes today. (His mom Yae had to make an excuse letter for their professor.)

'Did these two ditch their classes just to have a date here?' Scaramouche didn't even question their presence earlier because it was still early, however, Aether who should be practicing right now in the court of their university was here, and Ayaka who was known for having a protective brother was still here too.

And that fact made Scaramouche annoyed. Really? Did these two just slap him with the fact he was single and didn't have someone to spend their whole time with him? The fact it was Aether was more annoying.

Aether should be lonely, like him, and not have a partner for the rest of his life.

Scaramouche frowned at his thoughts.

It will be good for Scaramouche to Aether to have a partner, so his attention will not always be on Scaramouche and stop annoying the shit out of him by creating a nonsense argument that he always falls.


"Let's text Kazuha." Yoimiya took her phone from her pocket and opened it. Scaramouche nodded. Kazuha didn't send any message since he left the cafe, so the two of them didn't know what happened to him.

'I just hope he answered this time.' Since Scaramouche spammed Kazuha with chats when he didn't reply to his message.

Watching Yoimiya using her phone. Scaramouche realized something and leaned down at her to whisper something.

"You know Kazuha's circumstance?" He asked, in a low voice as they still have a customer who doesn't have a plan to leave.

Yoimiya didn't mind the distance she became relaxed.

"He accidentally slips it. When we are having a conversation in our free time."

Scaramouche can see Kazuha slipping all of his problems because of that. That guy was so easy to read.

"Do you think Kazuha's parents will consider his opinion?" Yoimiya asked, writing something on her phone. Probably texting Kazuha.

Scaramouche contemplated her question.

Aunt Ningguang and Aunt Beidou were never the types to be a pushover, from what Scaramouche remembered. So they might consider Kazuha's decision and even cancel it, however, if they continue to push the idea of Kazuha marrying one of their business partner's sons who is probably an alpha, Kazuha might make a bad decision.

Scaramouche can't blame Kazuha if he ever did a bad decision. Scaramouche can understand the reason why, is there anything to ask why? No.

"I think? They can't just let someone marry Kazuha because of business." Scaramouche commented.

Since Aunt Beidou and Aunt Ningguang were famous CEOs in Liyue which is the center of all nations, they were very rich and successful in their business. It's not surprising that they want to have a relationship with some rich family to make it big by using Kazuha.

Scaramouche never expected it to happen though. He was shocked when he heard his moms having a conversation about it. He remembered how his mom Ei commented how Scaramouche will probably run away from home if she do that, and his mom Yae getting angry with the thought of Scaramouche marrying someone.

Scaramouche rolled his eyes. He wouldn't like to discuss what happened after that.

"Agreed. If they didn't, let's just pray that Kazuha will be in good hands."

"I'm sure they will not let their son be in dirty hands."


Yoimiya smiles at him but strangely, her eyes was kind of sad.

"I had a lover before." Scaramouche let out 'oh' before nodding. He wasn't asking but he didn't mind.

"We have been a couple for two years, but then just like Kazuha, they got arranged marriage with someone."

Is this why Yoimiya react like that?

"No, actually, they didn't say they got to arrange marriage. But, I know one day they will be engaged with someone. Their family was part of business society, and sometimes they had to leave on our date because they had someone to meet, you know, the one they will be engaged with."

Scaramouche can't imagine how hurts that situation is.

"So, I decided to break up with them. I mean, it will probably hurt less if I was the one who did it, because at least, I know I did that to protect my inner peace."

"You're strong for that."

"Really?" Yoimiya asked. Scaramouche nodded. If he was in that position, he probably had no guts to break up with his lover even if he was engaged with someone. Even if he knows, in the end, he will be the one who received the loss, why? He wanted to cherish every moment possible and he wanted to at least make them regret that they are the ones who broke up with him, it's their loss because Scaramouche did everything, but they didn't.

"I think you did the right thing. I mean, are you going to wait and be hurt in silence until your lover got engaged with someone and waited until they will be the one who initiated to break up with you? It feels unfair."

Though his words and his thoughts say otherwise, he doesn't care. Because both make sense though Yoimiya's decision was more rational than his.

Scaramouche continues to have a deep conversation with Yoimiya which he can't understand why. They barely knew each other but the way they talked with one another was like they knew each other before and he could say freely what was on his mind. Scaramouche is never friendly like this to someone who he just met. Is this because both of them were omega? That some sorts create a connection between them?

Somehow, Scaramouche can't blame Kazuha for slipping all of his problems to Yoimiya.

Now, he would like to introduce this woman to the others as well. Seems like they will get along.

"Be careful in your way!" The cafe's joyful boss Xiangling muttered as they close the door of the cafe as it was already closing time.

"Yes, boss! Be careful on your way too!" Yoimiya happily retorted and even saluted playfully to the woman who just smiled a little and waved at them before leaving them behind.

"Are you going to call a taxi?" Yoimiya asked, looking around. Scaramouche also looks around, even though it was still early 8 at night a few traveling cars are only he can see.

"Uh, not really. My house is only a walk's distance away from here."

Scaramouche can just walk around until he gets into their house. He already informed his moms that he will go home late because he was working at some cafe as a substitute for Kazuha.

Scaramouche watched Yoimiya look at the things in her bag and glanced at the parking area of the cafe. Why his car was still here? Scaramouche thought he had already left with Ayaka.

Scaramouche wanted to curse. Aether being annoying is the most annoying thing ever.

"The taxi I grabbed was already on its way," Yoimiya announced. "I'm going to meet them now, so goodbye?"

Scaramouche smiled at her as he waved her goodbye. He wanted to go home now and rest.

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