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  The first step towards changing your life is "knowing your worth".
  Have you ever being in a situation with someone and that person treats you like you are some bag of rubbish, like they are doing you a favour for letting you into their lives, and you just there playing dumb, like you don't know how much they are really hurting you,and still holding on tight to them, cus you just wanna feel among,or you scared about what others are gonna say, your scared of being lonely,or how the society or people are gonna start treating you, cus you are not with them anymore, you just have to know this,"cutting some certain people off, especially those that are beast in the form of human, being independent not depending on anyone, will immensely bless your life. But how are you gonna know?,when you're still stuck with them, set them free!!!!, let them go!!!, and see how your life will start to evolve for good, you have to know that,when your life start to evolve, you gonna let go of some things, even if it's the one you most cherish, just let it go!!,the surprising thing is that,they gonna come back, and at that point in time, your not gonna need them anymore, cus you will have found something and someone that is more worthy of you, and your not gonna settle for less anymore!!!.
  So here you go!!!,
    Know your worth!!!, don't let anyone tell you what to do.
    Know your worth!!!, don't give too much time to people who don't value you, and also people that makes you think less of yourself.
    Know your worth!!!, don't go for them!!!, if they really want you,they gonna come, and if they don't, let them go, they're not worthy of you.
    Know your worth!!!, don't seek for attention, don't be the girl that anytime she passes, people are gonna be like"hey, look there, here comes the pick me girl", attentions are gonna come naturally when you know your worth.
    Know your worth!!!, invest in yourself, it's okay to be engrossed in yourself sometimes, but do not over do it, invest in yourself and spend it only on your self!!.
    Know your worth!!!, set standards, set it high!!!, be bold, be confident, rule your world!!!.
     Know your worth!!!, you gotta know your worth, even if it gets lonely sometimes.
     Know your worth!!!, don't ask, go get your thing!!!.
     Know your worth!!!, don't let anyone treat you like you are some bag of rubbish, don't let them treat you like you are an option, let them go!!!, and focus more on your life, and see how you gonna succeed in life.
     Know your worth!!!, you really need to know that, you don't have to fit in, just stand out baby gal, and that it!!.
     Know your worth!!!, when you know your worth, you gonna start to trust yourself, know that you can literally do anything, and go for it.
     Know your worth!!!, the moment you feel the need or urge to prove yourself to anyone, it's absolutely the right time to walk away!!!.
     Know your worth!!!, don't give too much time to people,who don't add any importance or value to your life.
     Know your worth!!!, make them respect you, make them value you, they literally don't know your worth, but you do gal.
     Know your worth!!!, stop seeking people's approval on anything about yourself, it's your life baby gal, you don't need anyone's approval!!.
    Know your worth!!!, when you know your worth, no one!!, I mean no one!!, can make you feel worthless!!!.
    Know your worth!!!, don't be told what to do, lay down your principle and policies, be "that girl".
    Know your worth!!!, sometimes you gotta act like you don't care!.
    Know your worth!!!, find the courage to leave, if respect is no longer being served.
    Know your worth!!!, change your surroundings, change everything when you need to, and be fulfilled in life.
    Know your worth!!!, know the difference between what your receiving and what exactly you deserve!!.
    Know your worth!!!, don't go for less, don't settle for less and don't accept less!!.
    Know your worth!!!, stand on your ground, hold up to your sh**t!!.
    Know your worth!!!, don't start seeing yourself through the eyes of those that don't value you!!!.
     Know your worth!!!, stop pleasing people!!
     Know your worth!!!, create boundaries, don't be afraid to say no!!.
     Know your worth!!!, having that self respect and confidence is key gal.
     Know your worth!!!, don't overdo it, stay humble and know your worth!!!.
     Know your worth!!!, don't chase anyone,if they want you, they gonna come to you.
     Know your worth!!!, when you know your worth, you surely gonna move differently.
     Know your worth!!!, life is too short, to spend with people,who do nothing but always bring pain and sadness into your life,if someone want you in their life,they surely gonna make room for you, you really don't have to fight for a spot in someone's life, it's sickening!!!.
     Know your worth!!!,be with people who know your worth, you actually don't need to many people in your life, just the few and authentic one's who see and appreciate you for who you are.
     Know your worth!!!,be conscious of what really worth your energy.
     Know your worth!!!, don't devalue yourself, because they don't value you!!.
     Know your worth!!!,own your power,be you!!!.
     Know your worth!!!,create boundaries, let them know their limits in your life!.
     Know your worth!!!, don't ever degrade yourself, for anything or anyone.
     Know your worth!!!, don't ever please anyone, with the motive of being accepted.
     Know your worth!!!,most people know your worth, they just hope you never will.
     Know your worth!!!, never ever in your life, should you doubt your worth.
     Know your worth!!!, don't let someone else tell you your value, cus it's gonna be very much lesser than your worth.
     Know your worth!!!, you are equally important as everyone else in this universe, literally every human being has one or two purpose in life, so as you do,it isn't worthless, you are beautiful, you are amazing, you are smart, you are special,be proud of who you are,live your life to the fullest and reach for the stars.
      Know your worth!!!, don't be available all the time, hold up to your self respect.
      Know your worth!!!, know your worth to the extent that your spirit, aura rejects anyone who doesn't.
      Know your worth!!!, know that you are good enough, and worthy of love and belongings from others.
      Know your worth!!!, when you know your worth, you surely know how to live.
      Know your worth!!!,build your confidence more,and if you don't have it,then fake it as if you already have the confidence, you desire to have.
      Know your worth!!!, you will always hold out for something better when you know your worth, your not gonna settle for less.
      Know your worth!!!, don't loose yourself in the process of valueing and loving someone too much, that you forgot how special you are.
      Know your worth!!!, like Dave pelzer said,and i quote"when you please others with the hope of being accepted, you lose your self worth in the process".
      Know your worth!!!, don't let anyone be responsible for your happiness.

      Know your worth!!!, you do not attract toxic people,they are literally everywhere, but you are the one allowing them to stay, and they're gonna continue eating you deep!!, unless you let them go!!!, send them away!!!!.

              KNOW YOUR WORTH!!!.

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