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   Self confidence is the feeling of trust in ones ability, quality and judgement. it's an attitude you display with skills and also means accepting and trusting yourself and having sense of control in your life.
   Here are some key steps in gaining self confidence;
1.Be yourself. on your posture;stand up straight,put your shoulders to the back,raise your head up don't bow your head, don't slouch!!.cuz you literally can't expect yourself to be bold, while you're bowing your have to stand up straight, look straight into their eyes, don't blink too much,make the first impression. don't be seen as "awkward","nervous" ,or "insecure".
3.accept compliments.
4.gain more perspective. them how to treat you!!.
6.face your fear, take up any challenges with faith, you just have to focus on the goal and not the obstacle.
7.overcome self doubt.
8.change "I can't", to "I can".
9.set your mind to what you wanna do.
10.strive hard to conquer your comfort zone.
11.take risks to seize opportunities.
12 compare yourself to yourself!!.
13.always acknowledge your progress.
14.overcome your struggles. on your attire; you can't just dress anyhow to an occasion, let's your outfit speak for you!!!, even if you aren't confident let your outfit be!, people are gonna start to have the narratives that you are,so you just have to fake it,until you acquire it, let your outfit and posture do the taking first.remember,always dress comfortably. on your looks; you literally can't expect yourself to be confident, while you have a lot of acne on your face,cuz you gonna feel very insecure and uncomfortable in your skin.
  I know that you gotta love yourself right, but you have to care for yourself too, have some skincare routine, even if it just a cleanser and moisturizer, you gonna feel more comfortable and confident in your skin, you don't have to have all the skincares in the world before you get your desired skin, just the little I mentioned would help a lot, and you gonna have that confidence in your skin.
17.have self confidence role model. yourself for your acheivement. authentic,be yourself 100 percent.
20.embrace your uniqueness, you've got zero competition. more self aware, have full control over your life.
22.know that no one, is better than you, you are amazing just because you are you, there is no one like you.
23.take a look at your accomplishments, what have you acheived in life?, count all your success instead of failings. encourage that you gonna be okay no matter what.
25.get to know more about yourself, acknowledge your values, beliefs and strength,be comfortable in who you truly are. empathetic.
27.understand your emotions, and also understand every positive intention of every kind of emotion.
28.know your personal goals.
29.see any problem as a challenge. more often.
31.make a proper to do list.
32.always offer solutions and not problems.
33.engage in positive talk.
34.admit it whenever you need help and be always open to learning something new.
35.believe in what you can acheive.
36.quit focusing on your weaknesses.
37.develop your awareness for change!!!.
38.always stay near positivity.
39.celebrate your wins,no matter how little it is.
40.establish healthy boundaries. have to start from somewhere or anywhere, and if you can't walk, start crawling.
42.set realistic expectations and goals.
43.when you are confident, you move more forward, with people and opportunities.
44.even if things doesn't work out the way we want it to, having confidence will make you put in more effort and try harder again.
45.focus more on your strong sides, and always remind yourself of the things you are proud of,or the things you are good at.
46.make sure you always smell nice,get some deodorant or perfume on baby gal!!!, brush their noses!!!.
47.face and challenge your fears.
48.always take good care of yourself.
49.let your presence speak!!!. outspoken, speak for yourself!!!.
51.know how people see you!!.
52.always arrive on time.
53.don't sit or settle with people that constantly disrespect you.
54.always do what's best for you, don't get offended or threatened easily. the main character!!.
56.always hang out with people who want the best for you, and not the other way round.
57.take opportunities that are best for you.
58.make decisions that are best for you.
59.listen to music that are gonna make you feel more confident; while taking a walk, doing chores,or any other thing else, just put on a badass song, and instantly you gonna feel more attractive, and more confident and comfortable with yourself, the magic is that,while listening,you gonna feel like you own everything, you gonna feel in control.
If your interested,or curious in knowing which music your gonna listen to, to make you feel more confident, just comment below, and am gonna recommend you, some confident, badass songs.
60.know that you are beautiful and amazing just the way you are, don't ever say anything negative to yourself, cus the way you think about yourself can equally affect people's reality about you. take for instance, when you feel extremely beautiful today, and you walked outside, people are gonna compliment you, and also take glances at you, and you gonna feel more confident, you gonna be the main character at that moment, but in a situation where you look at the mirror and you say to yourself"damn I look ugly today"  or "why am I looking so ugly today", and you went outside to get some things for yourself ,or maybe you went for a party or something, you gonna feel so insecure about yourself, and people are gonna be like"nah she isn't beautiful, she's ugly", cus that literally what you think about yourself at the moment,and you gonna act like it!!, you gonna act ugly, look ugly, and literally do everything uglily. So basically be mindful of what you say or think about yourself,cus it can literally affect people's thinking and reality about you. not over compliment people,cus it kinda demeaning sometimes. take note!!!.
62.the easy way to gain that self confidence is to fake it until you gain it, behave like you already have that confidence in you, and in the main time it's gonna be part of you, and you gonna be confident as ever.
63.walk into any room like you own it!!.
64.know that you are complete only with yourself!.


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