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  Self esteem is the confidence that comes naturally and unexpectedly when you know your worth and you also love your self,self esteem is no longer gonna be at a higher peak for you,cus it will be right in front of you, you just need to take a step, "just a step", and you've gain your self esteem!! .
    Self esteem is how we actually value and perceive ourselves,how one feels about themselves and how one thinks others feel about them,it's also based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves. believing in one ability and value, feeling of identity,competence, belonging, and security.
     Here are some key steps in developing your self-esteem; open to criticism;when they see you doing great things,acheving great things, doing exemplary well in things, they gonna criticize, and start bad mouthing you, so don't say cuz they are criticising, you gonna stop putting in effort, criticism are nothing but thoughts not facts, only you know the fact, so don't fall into their trap,cus that exactly what they want, they want you to give up, but NO, don't be a victim of their evil act, keep pushing, trust me!!!, your gonna get there!!!, remember great things takes time. So basically be open to criticism,if they aren't criticising you yet, know that you haven't put in much effort, cuz you can't be doing great,without people also doing their part in criticising you,so let's criticism be that motivation you need to keep pushing and pushing till you get there. Those mouths that are criticising you now will definitely be the ones praising you tomorrow,so do not give up, keep fighting!!!.
2.acknowledge your mistakes. comfortable with giving and receiving compliments. yourself!!. not give your past the power to define the future ahead of you. what you are often afraid to do, take challenges and be fulfilled.
7.take risks,if you really want to succeed in life, you gotta take risk, know that you can do it, and go for it!!!.
8.think positively,stop thinking negatively,cus our mind is so powerful, what we are thinking is exactly what we attract.have being in a situation whereby I was like"girl you can't do this, so why trying?, you gonna end up failing",and then I gave up, even if I didn't,am still gonna fail, because my subconscious mind has already trap that sentence, and it gonna be like," she said she can't do it, so apparently she's gonna fail ", and when you have that mindset your gonna end up failing, your mind controls your entire life.
So after some weeks, there came up another competition, and at first,I was like"Not again!!,am not doing this"I said to myself.   the night after,I was laying down on my bed, facing the ceilings, and just thinking about random stuffs "life generally",and I said to myself,I wanna acheive something great before i legally become an adult, cus then,I wanna look back and be very proud of myself, like "girl you did it!!!"  and my inner girl struck me and said"is this how you gonna acheive it, when you keep running away from challenges",I was caught dumbstruck,cus she was so damn right and I am definitely the wrong one here. so I said to myself " you know what,am participating in this competition and I am coming out first or second,nothing less". then I stood up, and went straight to my reading room, and I started preparing for the challenge even though it's still 2 months away,I prepared so hard that at the end of a month,I was so good to go. and the D-Day came,I was so happy knowing am eating it up,I kept saying to myself"am the winner,am the winner",I went into the exam hall and I came out feeling fulfilled,I quickly took the next bus home, and when I got home,I pick up my phone, waiting patiently for the message, thirty minutes later,a message popped up,ecstatically,I clicked on it,and as predicted in my head already,I won,i screamed like there was no tomorrow, jumping excitedly,I was on the top of the world,I felt fulfilled, and I said to myself "this is just the beginning,we aren't stopping anytime any day,no more "I can't", but "I can".
   So basically all what I was trying to say is that,stop thinking negatively!!,stop talking negatively!!,to yourself,cus the mind is such a powerful weapon.and remember success will always begin with a fellow will, it's all in the state of the mind.
9.surround yourself with positivity.
10.quit focusing on your weaknesses.
11.stop hating yourself for everything you aren't and start loving yourself for everything you are.
12.appreciate yourself every single day.
13.if you are feeling kinda insecure, guess what?, the rest of the world is too, do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself, you are far better than you think you are. grateful for every single and little thing you have,be grateful to him(i.e God), imagine being grateful every single day,God will be like"wow for you being grateful for this little thing I gave to you, let's see how grateful you will be,when I bless you more abundantly".and he is gonna be blessing you more and more!!!, so start now!!!,and be more grateful to your creator. more optimistic.
16.improve your body image by exercising more regularly.
17.don't imagine anything better than being you.
18.manifest your dream life,and remember you don't just manifest,take can't be like,"I wanna slim down",and you wake up every day, eat and retire to bed every single day. get up!!,go to the gym!!!, you gotta act your own part as well, before your manifestation come through for you!!!.
19.meditate daily; actually meditation doesn't only mean you closing your eyes, crossing your legs and breathing in and out, meditation also mean doing what you enjoy and love, you can be knitting and also meditating, you can be cooking and meditating, and even while listening to good songs. so doing what you love or cherish is what meditation actually mean. try adding it to your everyday task, cus it reduces stress,gives you a sense of calm, peace and balance, increases motivation, decrease symptoms of depression,anxiety, and also (PTSD)post traumatic stress disorder, it increases your ability to think, concentrate, and also solve problems, and finally it gives you the sense of satisfaction. charitable: going out your way to do something for someone else,in need of help,could literally change and transform the way you feel about yourself,so start the act of kindness now and be fulfilled in life.
21.don't bite more than you can chew,manage your expectations, and set realistic goals.
22.avoid doing things just to feel among or go along with the crowd.
23.set short time goals, just to strengthen your weaknesses, don't ever be afraid to try new things, take up challenges!!.
24.if you've ever experience any form of defeat, don't dwell on it, get up!!,brush the dust off!!,and keep going,
25.stop being jealous, cus when you know you are great, you literally have no reason to hate!!.
26.forgiving yourself and also letting go of grudges will extremely boosts your self esteem.
27.unlearn negative thoughts by saying more positive affirmations to yourself. also doesn't matter how your life was, you can change it differently it all depends on your mindset,like I said earlier.
29.know that life battle doesn't always go to the stronger or faster man,but sooner or later the man who wins,is the man who thinks he Napoleon Hill. Harvey markey said and I quote"A dream is just a dream,a goal is just goal, with a plan and a headline.
31.stop the negative voices.
32.always eat healthy balanced diet to boost your energy levels.
33.always take care of your physical need first,relish in your accomplishment, be perfectly imperfect.
34.don't forget your rights.
35.visualize your success,see it as if it's already happening.
36.fake it until you make it. with all it's unbelievable opportunities,lies before you, don't ever feel defeated by others or only live once, you only have one life,one only shot at it.don't miss it, it's too valuable, so whenever you hit the dust,why still on the ground?, get up,brush the dust off, and get going it now!!!.sieze the moment, and go for it!!!.
38.i was going through some random books and I saw this quote which says"someone without purpose, is someone without focus,
Someone without focus,is someone without vision,
Someone without vision is someone without target,
Someone without target never achieves,
And someone without an acheivement is a failure!!!."

So basically we are all in this world with a purpose or reason, it's up to you to find your focus, and you surely gonna get a vision,then you work towards your targeted goals, and finally you make acheivements.find your focus in life now!!!, and be the very best of you!.
39.gain new skills.
40.value your time!!!, don't waste time, when are you gonna do it,if not now!!!.
41.remember!!!, time lost is irrevocable, make hay while the sun shine!!,a stitch in time saves nine!!. one day at a time.
43.avoid distractions when busy.
44.organize your life.
45.remember great things start to happen when you place focus on the positive things in your life.
45.Be in control!!!.

                          Xoxo 💋💋
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