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   Self care literally means taking the time to do things that are gonna help you live well and healthy, and improve both your physical and mental health.
  Self care can help you manage stress, and also lower the risk of illness and also increases your energy. It can also be the process of establishing behavior to ensure holistic well being of oneself . it the time when you get to rejuvenate,reinvigorate, and check in on yourself, paying more attention to your body, the body that has actively been there for you through out, it's time to give it an appreciation, it's time to take care of it, it's time to give it,it food, so that it won't breakdown unexpectedly, and your not gonna have yourself to blame.
Here are some tips on self care;
1.meditation;yea!!, cus it gives you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health.
2.listen to good music, create your music playlists.
3.listen to intelligent and self help podcast.
4.try exercises,it can be dancing, jogging or running whatever, just try exercising, cus it gonna make you feel more confident and comfortable in your body.
5.take walks,even if it just down your street, go to a party,meet new people, socialize!!!.
6.learn to wake up more naturally without using an alarm.
7.drink green teas. documentaries on topics that will add some values to your life. some yoga. some comedy shows.
11.drink water always, first thing in the morning. in nature, just take a sit outside or on your roof top just to observe sights, sounds and inhale some natural scents.
13.ask yourself what you need, and get it for yourself!!! gifts for yourself.
15.peck,kiss yourself through the mirror.
16.hug yourself.
17.spend your evening studying, organize your study area. your hair beautifully, and make it neat at all times. some make up, whenever you feel like it or just because.
20.always try something new,each and every single day.
21.have a skincare routine.
22.apply face mask once or twice a week,it can also be an homemade facemask,go to a spa, get some manicure and pedicure done.
23.take a note, list three mistakes you've made, and one thing you've learn from each, and make sure it doesn't happen again. kind, smile more often.
25.make a vision board. more creative; you are the principal initiator of your creative reasoning and wisdom is the only instrument you need.the forces of creativity reside in wisdom, and the wisdom resides in your mind,why still waiting!!, try it today and be fulfilled in life.
27.make sleeping your priority!!.
28.practice good hygiene,be neat inside out.
29.socialize!! don't be too self absorbed!!!.
30.take in your surroundings,live in nature,go for a walk in nature!!!.
31.accept helps; you don't have to depend on anyone, but if they are offering you a hand, take it politely. things that make you feel more comfortable in your body, like dancing etc.
33.drink plenty of water,eat healthy balanced diet.
34.change your environment,go for vacations.
36.lay under the sun for sometime!, get some vitamin D!!!, around the beach,around the pool or anywhere!.
   And note!!! not without your sunscreen!!
37.cook for yourself,bake for yourself, and your gonna feel so good and fulfilled with yourself.
38.drink lemon water.
39.brush your teeth,both in the morning and in the night!!.
40.wear only neat clothes.
41.try journaling!!.
42.let go of grudges!!.
43.let go of junk foods!!. more fruits!!!.
45.take shower both in the morning and night.
46.visit a therapist.
47.go for medical check ups.
48.listen to more good musics.
49.forgive yourself!!.
50.sit and visualize your ideal life!.
51.reconnect with families, and friends.
52.listen to guided meditations.
53.go to bed early and wake up with the 🌞 sun.
54.start a gratitude journal, list everything you are grateful for!. grateful; be grateful for all your privileges!!.
56.wear comfy clothes!!,it gonna make you feel more comfortable and relaxed.
57.take snaps!!.
58.practice self compassion. funny movies.
60.take a soothing,long bath.
61.let go of anything bugging you,RELAX AND BE HAPPY!!!.
62.and remember!!!,if you don't find yourself worthy of care, the world won't also find you worthy of care!!.

             Always take care of yourself first!!, trust me!!, the rest are gonna fall in place and you gonna feel fulfilled in life!!!!.💜💜💜
                             Xoxo 💋💋

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