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  Self improvement is actually the enhancement of ones status, knowledge and character by ones efforts, it's the quest to make ourselves better in every face of life.the act of improving oneself by ones own action.
    It consist of activities that develop ones capability and potential, build humans capital, enhance quality of life and helps greatly in the realization of dreams and aspirations.
  The following,are steps on how to improve oneself:
1.set goals for yourself.
2.evaluate what isn't working.
3.learn new skills. healthy and hydrate daily.
5.practice self compassion. yourself,to make good decisions.
7.process your fears.
8.accept yourself as you are.
9.clean and organize your space regularly.
10.always wake up early.
11.make a to-do list for the next day.
12.meditate and pray to the Almighty.
13. journal every single day; because it relieves you from any burden and stress,and also makes you retire to bed feeling light and free of all ills of the day.
14.exercise daily.
15.follow your dream and aspirations; always see the goal and not the obstacle.
16.always come out of any difficult situation,winning!!. not brag about any of your accomplishments,let your results do the taking for you.
18.admit to your mistakes, it's your responsibility, don't run away from it, and don't ever repeat it again. so hard that their biggest flex will be,"I used to know her"
20.silence any criticism,pay no attention to it!.
21.accept that you can fail; every human being is expected to fail in life, that why we're human,except our creator(God), you must accept that as a limited creature.failure can come your way and when it comes you can surely handle them.cus whenever someone or somebody admit her failure, weaknesses and disappointments in life,her creator(God) will definitely lift her up above her expectations.
22.always be committed and dedicated to work!, let your mind be always occupied with something great.
23.overcome any challenges that comes your way with faith.
Cus overcoming a challenge makes you feel so good about yourself,it takes you a step higher and it builds your confidence and self esteem at handling any issues.
24.there are people who are gonna frown at you,cus you set an ambitious goal but do not read any meaning to them, cuz they are small minded and they actually can't handle having someone around with a big mind, dreaming high or setting an ambitious goals. and yet without goals there cannot be an achievement and without achievement,life will be as it has been!!.
25.always believe that you have an enviable destiny to change ( a natural gift from our creator).
26.relinquish your control over unimportant things.
27.complain only about things that matter!!.
28.always be thankful and grateful!!, like I said in the previous part. at least a book in a day, and also try solving some math probs.
30.always be honest with yourself.
32.take a social media break!!!.
33.don't get jealous of anyone or their achivements,instead be inspire by them, learn from them,their time is different from yours, yours is coming and it's gonna be a blast!!!, remember great things takes time sometimes, so do not give up!!!, your time is here!!!!!!.
34.learn how to communicate effectively.
35.let your past go!!!, and live in the present.
36.create your focus plan!.
37.try new hobbies!!!, you definitely can't know if you're good at it or not, unless you try it out!!!.
38.there are many talents within you, it's up to you to get up now!!!, and discover it.
39.make them respect their limits in your life, while you also respect theirs!.
40.improve your self confidence,self worth,self respect, self esteem and most importantly practice self love, and self care!!!!!.
41.engage in positive self talk with yourself.
43.listen to podcast that are intelligent, meaningful and the ones that also interest you.
44.focus on activities you enjoy.
44.get a diary, or a journal. are who you are, you know more than you think you do!!!, it's just up to you to get out of your shell,move beyond your comfort zone, you gonna be more comfortable later, but for now, let go of your comfort zone!!!, and be fulfilled in life.
46.keep it private!!!,be it your plans, goals, ambition,dreams etc. keep it private!!!,cus people luv to ruin things, before it even get started.
47.follow your dreams and aspirations, your almost there girl!!!, be unstoppable!!!. long lasting relationships with friends, stay connected!!. and you definitely know when to leave right?.
49.cherish your alone time, make proper use of it, cus that exactly when different creative ideas start to pop in, write each and every single one down in a sheet of paper, and put it into action, you gonna see how your life is gonna start to evolve for the best!!!.
50.change the game baby gurl!!.
51.make it happen!!!!, your goals,dreams, ambition, make it happen, shock everyone!!!, leave them jaw dropped!!!.
52.the future only depends on what your doing now!!!,so do well and work hard for a bright future, so bright that it's gonna burns the haters and criticizers eyes.'ve only got you!!!, trust only yourself!!!.
54.set a very high standard.
55.change your habits or more like improve your habits!!,cuz your habits is what your gonna create your life with, and if you constantly keep doing the same thing over and over again,  literally nothing is gonna improve or change in your life, cuz you keep doing the same thing all over again, and definitely you gonna see no changes and instead of changing and you didn't, you gonna keep deplenishing!!. so how are you gonna be the best of you?, how are you gonna have that bright future ?.
So basically,change some certain things in your life,be it your life style, your approach to things, the people you let in, into your life, and basically all the things you've been doing that brings no value or nothing into your life, you have to change them otherwise nothing is gonna change in your life.
  Change it!!!,do it differently and see how your life is gonna change for good!!!.
56.see things differently,be less judgemental;cus when you start to see things beyond what you think it is, and you learn how people see and view things differently, your mindset starts to evolve.
57.look for people that try and  help you in any way that can elevate you. And if they can't elevate you, just someone that supports you and say"hey,I believe in you, and I don't think that your dreams are too big, cus I trust you, and I know you can do it", just someone saying those words to you alone is enough to evolve you, seriously!, so find that person that trust and believe in you.
  And if there isn't anyone to support you, it's definitely a thing you can do yourself, you can support you, you can look in the mirror and say those supportive words to yourself, trust me!!!,that alone is gonna elevate you.
58.stop being too focused on helping people, yeah it good to help people right, but how are you gonna help people, when you yourself needs help?.
59.take a mirror, look into it,tell yourself what you want, tell yourself "you don't wanna hurt like this anymore, you don't wanna be like this anymore, you don't wanna be treated like this anymore",cuz you wanna improve, you wanna change, you wanna shift!!, you wanna shift from the kind of life your having!!!, and that exactly when things change, cuz you already have the mindset, and you surely gonna walk towards it. then things started to shift for you, and your life started to turn around for good, cus why?,you shifted!!, you change!!, you stepped out of your comfort zone, you stepped out to try out new things, you started to view life differently, and that exactly how your gonna achieve the life you've always wished for, and your gonna be the very best of you.
60.start now!!; don't wait the time will never be right!!. start from anywhere, even if you can't walk there, start crawling!!, your getting there, at least you're doing something and your not being stagnant, and you are not settling for a life that you didn't want!.
61.start journaling today!!, cuz it gonna make life more vivid to you, it makes you to stop and recap,reflect more on life, it makes you think, it makes you tryna understand things more,tryna work more things out!, rather than just zombying your way through life.
62.get comfortable with being uncomfortable!!.
63.overcome your biggest fear; cus sometimes what we fear of doing most,is usually what we must do!!.
64.know that life is temporary,YOLO (you only live once),so why won't you live it to the fullest?,why will you let them ruin it for you?. on your posture!!!.
66.they are getting there before you, doesn't mean they're gonna make it more than you!!!,so do well and shake off all those negative thoughts in you!, keep fighting!!, your time is here!!!!.
67.don't be used to saying too much "sorry", and if you are, stop it now!!!,read and read, don't be a slave to your mates!!!!.
69.if you like to win but you think you can't, it's almost certain you won't!!!, cus your success in life,always start from your mindset!.
69.let the question always be"who is gonna stop me!!👍, not " who is gonna let me!!👎
70.start behaving like a higher version of you!!, don't do things your higher version won't do, and start doing things the higher version of you, will do!!.
71.start thinking like a queen!!!,a queen is not afraid of failure, cus a queen knows that failure is always another stepping stone to greatness!!.
A queen also knows that literally everything is possible in this life, nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I" m possible!!!.
72.don't settle for average!!, always bring your best to the moment!!,then whether it fails or succeed,at least you know, you gave all you had!!.
73.know who you are, and what exactly you stand for!!, observe yourself, write down all you know about yourself, your good traits,bad traits and even your toxic traits, write it all down in a book, and start to eliminate the bad and toxic traits, while you make use of the good ones by adding more to it!!. then you gonna be the very best of you.
74.there is a winner in you!, your a Titan!!, you were created to be successful,to achieve your goals, to accomplish it!, to leave mark on this generation, you surely, definitely have greatness in you,it up to you to get the key now!!, and let it out!!!.
75.try to identify your flaws and blind spots!.
76.get rid of bad habits!!, like I said earlier your habits is what you gonna create your life with!!!.
77.pick up a new hobby.
78.learn to deal with difficult people.
79.try and learn new languages.
80.compliment someone every single day; cus it gonna make you feel so good with yourself. the creator of your best life!!.

Be more proud of yourself, appreciate yourself, appreciate your journey, take a look back, you definitely aren't the person you are yesterday, you've improved!!, you've changed!!, you've been striving on how to make a better you, you know what you want, and you are going for it!!,u aren't settling for less!,u should be proud of yourself 👏👏.
And trust me!!, your almost there!!!, keep pushing!!, your time is here!!, fighting!!!💪.

                YOU ARE THE BEST👌.

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