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So basically, self love and self worth are kinda intertwined they actually work together, without this two, it's likely gonna be hard for you to survive or navigate through this life. They are both very important, and they're very easy to attain.
  Self love: self love literally has different meaning to different people, but to me, it's means loving myself for who I am, being loving to myself, on purpose, intentionally or unintentionally, when it's hardest and even when it's easy, making hard decisions that are best for me, even when I see an easier option, being loving, kind and gentle to myself whenever I let myself down, respecting my journey, embracing it, instead of hating or blaming myself that it shouldn't have been like this, it's should have been different.
Self love is an extraordinary super power that lifts our spirits and makes us stronger. It's also a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from within, with the action that equally supports our physical, physiological or mental and spiritual growth.
   Here are some important keys on how to practice self love;
1. Be real to yourself, accept your flaws and mistakes, cherish your strength, don't minimize them or hide  them,instead add to them.
2. You are who you are, you may have made some mistakes in the past, but still love you.
3.stop comparing yourself to others, accept yourself the way you are, cus there is a reason your creator created you, and he always does something with reason, he created you uniquely, different from others, he has a special plan for you, so don't sabotage it, instead embrace him, embrace his creation(I.e, you), and be fulfilled in life.
4.priotize your physical and mental health.
5.accept all about yourself, put yourself at the top of your to do list, every single day and trust me the rest is gonna fall into place.
6.follow your desire and goals.
7.always take notes of your progress.
8.follow the value you set for yourself. yourself.
10.accept your flaws and mistakes it's bound to happen and besides that's what makes us human. brave enough to take off the masks or blind folds your wearing, to get to know who you really are, what you really want, where you really wanna be at the moment, and what exactly you wanna be. are beautiful just the way you are, no scars to your beauty.
13.set acheivable and realistic goals.
14.don't let anyone take advantage of you.
15.challenge yourself everyday to always be a better person.
16. No one deserves your love and happiness except you baby gal.
17.take charge and responsibility for your life.
18.set your goals,dream high, know what you want, take steps,claim it and be fulfilled. Ralph Waldo Emerson said,and I quote"to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
20.don't ever give your past the power to define who you are now (i.e, your present), it's your past!!, let it be your past!!
21.accept your strength and weaknesses, keep adding to your strength,and keep subtracting from your weaknesses!. your daily affirmations, immediately you wake up in the morning, say your affirmations,say it a lil bit out loud, tell yourself how beautiful you are,how amazing you are,how smart and intelligent you are. Cus the power the tongue holds early in the morning is extremely powerful, before you could say anything to anyone,say your affirmations first to yourself, and see how miraculously your life is gonna change for good!!!.
23.let go of grudges!!. one deserves your love and happiness than the girl you look at every single day in the mirror, embrace her, love her and cherish her than any other person or thing in this world. proud of who you are, and do not be ashamed of how people see you, they gonna talk anyway, and the more they talk,the more forward you go in all your endeavors,by paying less concern to them and also putting in more effort towards your goals.
26.cut off toxic people, and also those that makes you feel less of yourself, it's gonna get to a point, when you gonna feel lonely, but you gotta shake it off gal,they aren't destined to be part of the great success ahead of you.but you have you,be your best friend, be your friend, take your time to check in on yourself, and definitely you gonna find the peace of mind you've been longing for,then loving yourself starts to radiates naturally.
27.meditate daily;it gives you a sense of peace,calm and satisfaction. hard towards your targeted goals, but know exactly when you need a break, just taking a day off to check in on yourself doesn't mean, you gonna lose everything you've built,or work hard for, your mental and physical health are highly important, take note.
29.give social media a break!!, instead of spending that so much time on social media, which brings literally nothing to you than comparison,oppression,intimidation, temptation and lots more, and you begin to feel more inferior about yourself, you lose your self,and self esteem in the process, and then stupid ideas started popping into your head, like going under the knife, to get your desire face and body done, going the extra mile to get money,just to fit into the society.
  All those that you see on social media undergoing surgeries and doing lots more of undespicable things,are just longing for the love they can't give themselves, on social media, they be like,"why not do what they want,so that they can love me too",thinking that if they change and fit into the society, they gonna be loved, but they end up ruining themselves more, where they're gonna get depressed, and end up also having serious problems with their mental health.
So why longing for the love, you can actually give to yourself?,why tryna fit in, when you can literally stand out?. when you are you, and you start to love the person you see in the mirror every single day,all this trashy things will mean nothing to you, and you will just wanna focus more on how to be the very best of you, how to make every wins and every failures in your life counts,how to appreciate how far you've come, and lastly how to work towards your goals, don't just dream, remember dream will always be a dream unless you take action,so let Social media go!!!, invest all the time you often spend on SM,onto yourself,and see how beautifully your life is gonna evolve. obsessed with yourself, don't let anyone make you feel inferior!!.
31.make sure to always practice proper hygiene, it's an important key to attain towards loving yourself,when you feel good and neat from within, you gonna fall in love with yourself more,and confidence is gonna come naturally.
32.don't put too much pressure on yourself, relax and be happy, love yourself anyday, anytime.
33.stop criticising yourself!!!, you've been criticising yourself for so long and it's hasn't worked,try to love yourself and see how your life is gonna change for good.
34.remember no one can make you feel inferior, without your consent, it's you that literally gave them the reason, the chance to!!. one deserves your happiness more than you do.
36.Say No, whenever you want to,and say yes whenever you feel like it!!,stop saying "yes", cus you want them to like you or treat you friendly, don't let them take advantage of you,if they hate, they're gonna continue to!, and they will never let any good thing come to your side, unless you decide to let go, and be a more better version of yourself,then they will all sincerely wanna be friends with you,or do you think they gonna settle for a loser,who always does things to please them?,NO,they will never!, instead they just gonna use you,drain you mentally and physically,and then dump you!!!,so be wise,leave!!,and focus more on how to make a better you!!!, don't do anything to ever please anyone.
37.make sure to read at least,a book and also solve some math probs in a day.
38.Trust yourself, know that you can do it, and go for can do more than you think you can, you also know more than you think you do, you just have to trust yourself more, and see how you gonna conquer this world.

39.make sure you learn new things every single day.

40.remember when you are filled with self love, you'll always make better choices.
42.forgive yourself whenever you go wrong.
43.priotize your physical and mental health.
44.self care and self love isn't being selfish!!!.
45.find yourself a self-love role model. enthusiastic.'ve got to think high to rise; dream high,set your standards high!!, and see how you gonna start to evolve for the best.
48.remember great things always takes time,so do well, and continue putting more effort, your almost there 👍. RM of bts said, and I quote"you've got to love yourself for who you are, for who you were, and for who your hoping to become"
51.your only limit is your mind, shut your inner girl from any criticism, cus you know better, and you can never fail at being yourself. grateful and thankful for every little and single thing you have. healthy balanced diet.
54.priotize your alone time. neat inside, out.


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