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Self respect literally means being real and true to yourself, taking responsibility, standing up for yourself, being true to your values, standing on whatever you say or do, not compromising.
  Self respect is an important part of you, "your identity",because it reflects on how you view your life, including your connections, social life, and relationships.
  The following are some important steps on how to gain self respect:
   Remember!!, respecting and loving yourself is the first step to take, if you want others to also respect you.
1.don't ever loose yourself in the process of chasing others.
2.don't ever loose your self respect to someone who don't care about your feelings and emotions. Clint Eastwood said and I quote"respect efforts, respect yourself, self respect leads to self discipline, when you have both, that's the real power". not give pertime people a full-time position in your life, know your worth and what you offer.
5.don't ever put yourself down, just to avoid criticism or please people.
6.don't ever low your standards for anyone or anything, cus self respect is everything.
7.don't settle at being mediocre.
8.they cannot take away our self respect, if we do not give it to them -mahatma ghandi.
9.always speak up for yourself. honest about who you are and who you aren't. Stop trying so hard to be normal, or please people!!.
11.focus on your self!!,kill the negative thoughts. loyal to yourself and do exactly what you say you will do, and you gonna see how everything will start to fall in place.
13.stick to your goals and aspirations.
14.try to figure out who you are, and be true to that.
15.begin to give yourself the importance you deserve.
16.spend time with people who like you and also want nothing but the best for you.
17.don't ever care about what others think, silence the criticism in your head.
18.don't always be present!!!,set your standards!!!. will never gain anyone's approval by begging for it, unless you stand confident in your own worth then respect follows.
20.have the power over your own life.
21.and remember you can't expect others to respect you, when you don't even respect yourself. is more important to have self respect than to gain from others!!!.
23.take out time for yourself.
24.always put yourself first,it isn't being selfish!!!. positive relationships.
26.speak up for yourself.
26.don't let anyone step on your ego.
27.try talking therapy with yourself.
28.don't compromise.
29.don't get involved in spreading rumors about someone or back bitting your fellow human, know what you stand for, hold up to your self respect!!!. the girl billions of girls out there,will wanna have as a role model.
31.create boundaries!!!, let them be aware of their limits.
33.self forgiveness is a crucial part of recovery as it allows you to set yourself free from any mental prisons.
34.know that you aren't perfect, and never claim to be!!, but anytime you look into the mirror,respect the woman staring back at you!!.

    You definitely have that self respect within yourself,why are you caging it?, free it!!!,it is something within you!!!, and you simply need to just follow the steps listed above, to let it out!!!!,then you've gain your self respect!!!. 💜💜💜

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