well tails has been kidnaped AMES!

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"Amy!" sonic said as he Bersted through the door. "What is it sonic" Amy said with confusion at what sonic was even yelling about "its tails Hes been taken by Eggman" sonic replied and showed her the note he got from the lab. wait where's those shirts he said were there?" said Amy after she finished reading the note. sonic slapped his head and said "shoot i forgot all about those shirts" sonic bolted though the green hill zone though loops and under water falls but he could only think about what might happen to tails if he didn't make it in time. thankfully when he got to the lab the shirts were right where Eggman said Theye'd be. the shirts read 1# loser couple. "Oh, come on when I get back to the future, I'm going to make him pay." yelled sonic as his face got so hot you could fry an Eggman [insert da doom Shink] then he speed through the green hills zone but backwards but every so often he'd drop a shirt and have to go get it. then sonic kicked the door open and said "Amy put this on" then he tossed her a shirt. "1# loser couple" she said in disbelief that sonic actually needed her to put on this shirt. "Ok let's go Ames." sonic said in a hurry. then sonic picked up Amy and ran out the door.

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