chao chaos

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"Ok Amy if creams directions are right, we should see it as there it is." sonic says while constantly checking his phone. it's the hotel from sonic adventure they walk in and a fat guy in glasses shows up and asks do you have reservation here at station square hotel" actually um sir were here for the chao garden for cheese." Amy said nervously. the man lowers his glasses and stares at them menacingly" well why didn't you just say so it right up to floor 10 in the elevator." said the man kindly. when they got in the elevator and pressed the button for the 10th floor Sonic said, "Well that was pretty weird and reliving for a moment there, I thought he was going to kick us out." "Yeah, that was nerve wracking I guess" Amy replied. ding the elevator doors opened "wow its beautiful" sonic said in disbelief at the water falls gracefully playing chao and a small pool called chaos only. then chaos emerged from the pool when it saw sonic and Amy it ran in for a hug. "glug glug glug glug glug glug glug glug[hello guys I've missed you two so much]" chaos said. "Thanks buddy." sonic said in confusion. then it went dark all the chao hid then they heard an evil laugh.

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